Res 06-23



Zoning Commission Case 05-26

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park, Forest Hills & Tenleytown
4401-A Connecticut Avenue, N.W., #244
Washington, D.C. 20008-2322

WHEREAS: Tilden 800, LLC a subsidiary of Clark Realty Capital, LLC has filed a Planned Unit Development application and Zoning map amendment at 2950 Tilden St. NW; and


WHEREAS: at several community meetings and at ANC meetings on May 8th, 15th and 24th, 2006, ANC 3F heard from the Applicant and nearby residents; and


WHEREAS:   the Applicant, ANC 3F and members of the Community presented testimony at Zoning Commission hearings on June 5th and 22nd 2006; and


WHEREAS:  at the June 22nd Zoning Commission hearing the Applicant presented an alternative plan for a five story building; and


WHEREAS:  ANC 3F was not given these plans until July 12th 2006; and


WHEREAS:  a comparison of the 6-story and 5-story proposals shows:



                                    6-story proposal                       5-story proposal


Residential FAR           2.52 FAR (87,500 s.f.) 2.52 FAR (87,500 s.f.)


Lot occupancy              16,939 s.f. (49%)                     18,400 s.f. (53%)


Building height  66’ 8”                                      61’ 4”


Penthouse                     NA                                         two at 17' 0"


Side yard                      0’ 0”                                        0’ 0”


Rear yard                     26’ 4”                                      21’ 8”


Courts                          25’ 8”  min.                              25’ 8” min.


Parking spaces             110                                          110


Loading                        1 @ 30’ (delivery)                    1 @ 30’ (delivery) plus a lay-by


Number of units            49                                            49



WHEREAS:  ANC 3F has cause to believe that the Applicant has not fully calculated the FAR for the building, as the Zoning Tabulation at Tab A, D-1 shows only residential FAR, not total FAR;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT:  ANC 3F opposes the alternative 5 story building.  Like the six-story building, this building is simply too big for its site.  The five-story alternative does not address the concerns that were raised in ANC 3F’s initial opposition:


(a)  height



(b)  density



(c) urban design



(d) traffic and parking 



(e)  landscaping


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT:  ANC 3F reaffirms our opposition, as stated in resolution 06-17 of May 24th 2006 to the 6-story building.  Both the six-story and five-story proposals continue to:


1)      Be out of character with the neighborhood

2)      Have terraces and a balcony on the east property line with views overlooking the Kuwaiti Embassy, which raises security concerns in the neighborhood

3)      Provide inadequate buffers (sound, light, space and air) with the adjacent buildings

4)      Conflict with the Ward 3 elements of the Comprehensive Plan in regards to


1)      urban design

2)      architecture, which does not conform to the style and materials found in the neighborhood

3)      the failing and near failing traffic levels in the area, which would be exacerbated

4)      the failure to “provide a net gain for the ward environmentally”

5)  offering insufficient affordable housing:  The number of units remains de minimus, not a substantial portion of the project, as recommended by 10 DCMR Section 1409.4 (c)(2) and certainly below the goal of a 20% set aside, as encouraged by Section 1402.3 (b).  The Applicant testified that it will continue to own the units and that they will be smaller than other units.  We do not know how long they will be affordable.  Residents of these units will have no vote in the condo association.

6)  benefits that are not advantageous to the neighborhood:  the amenities package is insufficient and disproportionate to the increased value of the project to the Applicant from the change in zoning.  None of these projects benefits the immediate neighbors.  Refurbishment of the median strip is merely remediation for damage Applicant caused during construction of 3883 Connecticut Avenue.




Adopted July 20, 2006, by a vote of 6-0-0 at a duly noticed public meeting with a quorum (a quorum being four).



                /s/ Cathy Wiss                                                           /s/ Karen Lee Perry

______________________________                       ______________________________                                  
             Cathy Wiss, Chair                                                Karen Perry, Acting Secretary