Res 06-02




Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F

North Cleveland Park, Forest Hills & Tenleytown

4401-A Connecticut Avenue, N.W., #244

Washington, D.C. 20008-2322

WHEREAS: the 1890 legislation establishing Rock Creek Park stated that it “be perpetually dedicated and set apart . . . for the benefit and enjoyment of the people of the United States”; and

WHEREAS: the 1890 legislation directs park managers to provide for public recreation, and specifically to “lay out and prepare roadways and bridle paths, to be used for driving and for horseback riding, respectively, and footways for pedestrians.”; and


WHEREAS: in 1996 the National Park Service (NPS) began the process of developing the first comprehensive plan for Rock Creek Park and the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway; and

WHEREAS: the part of Rock Creek Park west of Rock Creek, South of Military Road, N.W. and north of the Melvin C. Hazen Tributary is located in ANC 3F and includes Soapstone Valley, part of Melvin Hazen Park, Beach Drive from Broad Branch Road to Boulder Bridge, Peirce Mill, Peirce Barn, Maintenance Center, Horse Center, Nature Center and Planetarium; and

WHEREAS: in April 2003 the NPS issued a Draft General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement for Rock Creek Park and the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway which provided four alternatives for consideration:

            Alternative A: Improved management of established park uses.

            Alternative B: Continue current management/No action.

            Alternative C: Nonmotorized recreation emphasis.

            Alternative D: Mid-weekday recreation enhancement; and

WHEREAS: the major difference among the four alternatives was traffic management measures; and

WHEREAS: ANC 3F approved Res 03-08 on May 19, 2003, which recommended that the NPS adopt Alternative B: Continue current management/No action and the proposals in Alternatives A, C and D to (a) upgrade park trails, (b) increase use of park historic resources for interpretive and educational purposes, (c) improve park introduction and information services, and (d) relocate park administrative facilities and U.S. Park Police substation outside the park; and

WHEREAS: in November 2005 the NPS published the Final General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement, Rock Creek Park and the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway which includes four alternatives:

            Alternative A: Improve management of established park uses.

            Alternative B: Continue current management/no action.

            Alternative C: Nonmotorized recreation emphasis, permanently eliminating automobile traffic along three segments of Beach Drive.

            Alternative D Midweek recreation enhancement, eliminating automobile traffic along three segments of Beach Drive from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 pm each weekday; and

WHEREAS: the NPS’ preferred alternative, Alternative A, would:

            1. Improve traffic management within the park and parkway.

2. Upgrade some trail, rehabilitate deteriorating segments, and construct up to 1.75 miles of new trail.

            3. Rehabilitate the Peirce Mill complex and expand the rehabilitation of the Peirce Barn.

4. Move the park administration offices out of the Peirce-Klingle Mansion at Linnaean Hill and rehabilitate the Linnaean Hill complex for adaptive use compatible with park values.

            5. Move the U.S. Park Police substation out of the Lodge House on Beach Drive and             convert the Lodge House to a visitor contact station.

            6. Rehabilitate and expand the nature center and upgrade the planetarium; and

WHEREAS: by adopting Alternative A the NPS will continue and enhance the directives establishing Rock Creek Park in the 1890 legislation; and

WHEREAS: Alternative A appears to provide the best balance of recreational, environmental, and traffic considerations for the short and long term future of the park; and

WHEREAS: Alternative A should not increase neighborhood traffic adjacent to Rock Creek Park; and

WHEREAS: Alternative A is in accord with ANC 3F’s 2003 recommendation;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT; ANC 3F recommends that the National Park Service adopt Alternative A as presented in the November 2005, Final General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement.


Approved by a vote of 7-0-0 at a duly noticed public meeting on January 9, 2006, with a quorum present.

            /s/ Karen Lee Perry                               /s/ Frank Winstead

           Karen Lee Perry, Chair                           Frank Winstead, Secretary