Res 05-18
Advisory Neighborhood
Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park, Forest
Hills, & Tenleytown
4401A Connecticut Avenue,
N.W., Box 244
Washington, D.C. 20008-2322
WHEREAS, Woodrow Wilson Senior High School is located in ANC 3F and serves as the DC public high school for residents of ANC 3F, Ward 3, and other parts of the city; and
WHEREAS, the Facilities Modernization Committee of the Wilson Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) has come before ANC 3F to request a grant for the purchase of two benches to be placed, along with four other benches, near Wilson’s front door at Chesapeake Street and Fort Drive and around the flagpole opposite the door to help indicate which is the main entrance to the school and to make the area more welcoming; and
WHEREAS, Article X of the ANC 3F bylaws allows ANC 3F to make grants for specific community projects on a one-time basis so long as the project will benefit the ANC 3F community and funds do not duplicate services available through the government or other agencies of the community; and
WHEREAS, there is a definite need to indicate which of the several similar-looking doors along Fort Drive to use to enter the building, in particular for new students and their parents, for non-Wilson students assigned to take SAT exams at Wilson, and for residents going to meetings and other functions at Wilson, many of whom are frequently confused as to which door to choose; and
WHEREAS, benches near the front door and around the flagpole would clearly enhance the experience of students, staff, and parents, who enjoy congregating in this area before and after school; and
WHEREAS, the Facilities Modernization Committee has sought funding from other sources for the benches, has received funds for two of the six benches from a class gift and for two others from the PTSA, and is asking ANC 3F for a grant to purchase the final two benches in the set; and
WHEREAS, the Facilities Committee has been offered a discounted purchase price of $383 per bench plus $16 for four brackets to anchor each bench to the pavement, for a total of $798 for both benches; and
WHEREAS, donors of other benches in the set will be acknowledged through plaques affixed to the benches;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: ANC 3F approves a grant of $798 to the Wilson High School PTSA for the purchase of two benches in a set of six to be installed near the front door and flagpole of Wilson High School; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: ANC 3F approves an expenditure of up to $50 for plaques to be installed on each bench to indicate that they were purchased with a grant from ANC 3F; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: ANC 3F requests that within 60 days the PTSA give ANC 3F a progress report as to the use of the funds, along with receipts for any expenditures, and that at the termination of the project the final report show the amounts spent and the results achieved.
Approved by a vote
of 6-0-0 at a duly noticed public meeting of ANC 3F on July 25, 2005,
with a
quorum present (a quorum being 4).
/s/ Karen Lee
/s/ Frank T. Winstead
Karen Lee Perry, Chair
Frank Winstead, Secretary