Res 04-26
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park, Forest Hills, & Tenleytown
4401A Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Box 244
Washington, D.C. 20008-2322
WHEREAS, Wilson Senior High School, located in SMD 3F06, serves residents
of ANC 3F, Ward 3, and students from throughout the city -- and with almost
1,500 students, is by far the city’s largest public school; and
WHEREAS, Wilson’s 75-year-old building is in critical need of repair,
with unresolved roof leaks and torn or missing gutters and drains; yet despite
deplorable conditions – water pouring into an electrical box, paint peeling
in sheets, walls crumbling, and classrooms becoming unusable -- the DC Public
School system (DCPS) has ignored requests for repairs and even withdrawn
work orders that had been approved; and
WHEREAS, after DCPS Area G chose Wilson as its top priority for renovation
in the facilities planning process, Wilson’s Local School Restructuring Team
began planning not only to meet Wilson’s own modernization schedule but also
to ensure compatibility with the reconstruction of Wilson Pool by the DC
Department of Parks and Recreation and Wilson’s ability to house the 9th
grade from Deal Junior High School during the upcoming renovation of Deal;
but DCPS has inexplicably removed Wilson from the FY 2005 capital budget,
leaving Wilson unable to continue its planning process and to alleviate pressing
facility issues;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: ANC 3F calls on DCPS, the mayor, and
the DC Council to take immediate action to repair broken and missing gutters
and downspouts at Wilson High School as well as damage caused by leaks and
asks that ANC 3F be given a schedule of when the repairs will be conducted
and when they have been completed; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: ANC 3F strongly requests that funding
for Wilson High School be restored in the DCPS capital budget for FY 2005
so that Wilson can continue its feasibility study on its site master plan
and fund the first phase of work on modernization.
Approved by a vote of 7-0-0 at a duly noticed public meeting of ANC 3F on
September 20, 2004, with a quorum present (a quorum being 4).
/s/ Karen Lee Perry
/s/ Cathy Wiss
Karen Lee Perry, Chair
Cathy Wiss, Secretary