Res 04-24


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
Forest Hills, North Cleveland Park, & Tenleytown
4401-A Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Box 244
Washington, D.C. 20008-2322


WHEREAS, ANC3F passed Resolution 04-05 entitled ANC 3F Resolution on Certain Traffic Calming Measures on the 3600-3800 Blocks of Upton Street, N.W. and  Related Matters on January 12, 2004; and

WHEREAS, the resolution required the DDOT  do a baseline survey of certain intersections surrounding the proposed Upton Street Traffic Calming Project prior to the beginning of construction; and

WHEREAS, DDOT selected the locations based on the ANC’s resolution, modified by DDOT traffic survey guideline requirements and with further input of the ANC and effected residents; and

WHEREAS, the following streets were selected:


                         1.  Van Ness between Reno Road and 37th Street             

                         2.  37th Street between Upton and Van Ness
                         3.  38th Street between Van Ness and Veazey
                         4.  Veazey between 38th and 37th Streets; and

WHEREAS, speed and traffic volume data was collected in late April and early May 2004; and

WHEREAS, DDOT published this data in a report Washington D.C. Additional Traffic Counts and Speed Radar Studies Upton Street dated June 2004.



1.                 1.   That DDOT study repositioning the Right Turn Only sign on the NE corner of Upton at                   Wisconsin Avenue as it is partially obscured by a large tree and not visible to drivers                      traveling west on Upton. 

2.      That DDOT consider reconfiguring the existing traffic island at Reno and Upton to prevent drivers from running the stop sign at Reno Road and that this island be configured to prevent flooding to adjacent residential properties, and that in its design DDOT take into account the neighborhood desire to landscape and maintain the island.  This new design should be provided to ANC 3F and the community for consideration and vote at a public meeting prior to implementation.

Does not object to:

1.      The small traffic circles at the intersections of 37th & 38th Streets and Upton Street as long as they are designed to permit the smooth passage of trucks, delivery vans, ambulances and other emergency vehicles to The Washington Home and residential properties.

2.      The speed bump in the 3600 block of Upton Street, as shown in the engineering design drawing accompanying the July 21 report.

3.      The replacement of signs and poles, if necessary, which are faded, broken, or graffiti covered.

4.      Remarking the street on Upton at the Wisconsin/Upton Street intersection and southbound Wisconsin Avenue.

5.      The addition of a speed bump sign on the 3600 block of Upton Street and a no left turn sign facing north on the SE side of Wisconsin Avenue.  

Does not support:

1.      The addition of no left turn sign, 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Reno Road into Upton Street.

2.      Changing the Ward 3 Zone residential parking signs to Monday-Saturday from Monday–Friday as they are now.  This proposed change appears in the engineering design drawing appendix of the Upton Street, N.W. Traffic Calming Study and not in the narrative.

3.      Putting a double yellow line on three blocks of Upton and white edge lines for the parking lanes on both side of the street.

4.      A speed bump and related signage on the 3700 block of Upton Street.


1.      DDOT not proceed with the traffic diversion device of a traffic island at the Wisconsin/Upton intersection until the effectiveness of the traffic calming devices of the circles and the speed hump on Upton Street, as approved above, has been determined and ANC 3F can review the data and decide whether an island should be installed.              

2.       A repeat of  April-May 2004 traffic survey in the same blocks by DDOT be done once the new traffic patterns are established to measure the impact of the changes on the surrounding streets.


Adopted by a vote of 5-0-0  at a duly-noticed public meeting of ANC 3F on August 2, 2004, with a quorum present.

/s/ Karen Lee Perry_                            /s/ Cathy  Wiss
Karen Lee Perry, Chair                        Cathy Wiss, Secretary