Res 04-13

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park, Forest Hills, & Tenleytown
4401A Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Box 244
Washington, D.C.  20008-2322

WHEREAS:  the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) has scheduled applications for designation of one privately-owned and16 City-owned firehouses as historic landmarks for hearing on May 29, 2004 [HPO ##02-1 through 17]; and

WHEREAS:  these properties include Engine 31 (at 3930 Connecticut Avenue corner 3601 Everett Street, NW) in ANC 3F which is a working firehouse and EMS station; and

WHEREAS: almost all the other properties under consideration also appear to be either working fire or EMS facilities or both; and

WHEREAS:  the lives, health, safety, and property of residents of ANC 3F depend on the maintenance and periodic modernization of firehouses in and near and, even, at a remote from ANC 3F; and

WHEREAS:  ANC 3F has learned through experience with Engine 20 (the Tenley Firehouse at 4300 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, which remains a hole in the ground and two useless “historic” walls years after the “decision” to modernize) that historic preservation of firehouses can clash with and undermine public safety objectives; and

WHEREAS:  as to working firehouses and EMS stations, public safety should always trump historic preservation; and

WHEREAS:  there may be future needs to modernize Engine 31 or any of the other firehouses under consideration on May 29; and

WHEREAS:  even if Engine 20 (Tenley) is completed some day as now planned, there may be needs to modernize it once again in years to come;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT:  ANC 3F recommends that the HPRB deny historic landmark status to Engine 31 or any of the other working fire or EMS facilities;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT:  ANC 3F urges the District of Columbia Council and Mayor Williams (a) through emergency and permanent legislation to bar HPRB from listing as historic landmarks Engine 31 or any other working firehouse or EMS station; and (b) through permanent legislation to delist Engine 20 (Tenley) as an historic landmark.

Approved by a vote of 6-0-0 at a duly noticed public meeting on April 19, 2004, with a quorum present (four commissioners constituting a quorum).

/s/ Karen Lee Perry,                                             Cathy Wiss,
Karen Lee Perry, Chair                                           Cathy Wiss, Secretary