Res 04-09
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park, Forest Hills, and Tenleytown
4401-A Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Box 244
Washington, D.C. 20008-2322
WHEREAS, at a special meeting on December 17, 2002, the Board of Zoning
Adjustment (the Board) approved a 4-bed addition to The Washington Home (The
Home) and an increase in the number of parking spaces to 130, conditioned
on approval of a site plan showing the location of the parking spaces, a
landscaping plan, a parking management plan, and an employee transit plan;
WHEREAS, on September 23, 2003, The Home submitted a revised site
plan, a landscaping plan, and a parking and transportation management plan
(Exhibit 129); but ANC 3F opposed this submission because the site plan and
landscaping plan failed to meet the Board's criteria in many respects; in
other respects, they were worse than the original designs; and in some places,
they created new problems, see ANC 3F Resolution 03-20; and
WHEREAS, in response to a request from The Washington Home, agreed
to by the Citizens Concerned about the Home’s Expansion (CCHE) and ANC 3F,
the Board at its meeting on October 7, 2003, postponed its decision in this
case to give the parties time to seek agreement on contested issues; and
WHEREAS, since October 7, 2003, the parties have worked together to
design a new site plan, which The Home filed with the Board on March 8, 2004,
and also have worked on a new landscaping plan that could not be finalized
until after that date; and
WHEREAS, The Home and CCHE have signed a letter of understanding in
which both parties agree to support the site plan submitted to the Board
on March 8, 2004, and ask that the ANC and Board endorse the plan contingent
on implementation of a landscaping plan developed by landscape designer Jane
MacLeish on behalf of The Home and CCHE (see Attachment A); and
WHEREAS, the March 8 site plan appears to satisfy the Board’s criteria
set forth at the December 17, 2002, special meeting:
· “Preserve most if not all of the park-like setting”
(Dec. 17 Tr. at 21, passim)
The parking lot will come no closer to Upton and 37th Streets than the existing
lot. It will extend only about 20 feet – one car length – closer to
the cupola.
· Preserve the berm along Upton Street (Dec. 17
Tr. at 27-28, 44)
The edge of the parking lot will not cut into the berm.
· Preserve the area around the cupola (Dec. 17 Tr.
at 44)
The parking lot will be about 45 feet from the cupola. Plantings surrounding
the cupola, including the grove of crape myrtles, will remain intact.
· Minimize the impact on the large trees on the
site (Dec. 17 Tr. at 28, 45)
The parking lot will be far enough away from the large trees on Upton Street
to protect their critical root zones. It will be farther away from
the large pines along 37th Street than the two earlier designs. A retaining
wall will be used to support the lot near these trees rather than a berm,
so as to prevent compaction of their roots.
· Reduce the amount of paved or impervious surfaces
(Dec. 17 Tr. at 42)
This plan calls for only a slight increase in impervious surface over the
existing parking lot. The area of the new lot will be 51,873 square
feet, not including the entrance driveways -- an increase in paved surface
of only 23%. Of this, 7,119 square feet will be porous pavement to
allow water to percolate and recharge groundwater.
· Utilize the space more efficiently (Dec. 17 Tr.
at 47)
The amount of paved surface per parking space is only 399 square feet.
· Utilize techniques like scrim screening and berms
to screen vehicles on the lot adequately (Dec. 17 Tr. at 28)
The island in the largest section of the parking lot will be increased to
give space to grow more large trees. These will provide scrim screening
and shade the lot. A berm on the west side of the island will also
screen cars. Several existing trees in the island as well as scattered
trees around the perimeter of the lot will be retained so as not to lose
the benefit of their screening and healthful contribution to the environment;
WHEREAS, the landscaping plan developed by Jane MacLeish, appended
to this resolution at Attachment B, appears to meet the Board’s request for
a “landscaping plan that is comprehensive, screens the lot adequately and
tries to address some of the concerns that were raised in the testimony”
(Dec. 17 Tr. at 58):
· Two large islands and several dividers in the
interior of the lot will be devoted to landscaping, far more than the
required 5%;
· The islands and dividers will be planted with
tall trees to give the effect of scrim screening;
· Except where the Upton Street berm is high enough
to screen the lot by itself, evergreen trees and densely-planted shrubs,
all more than 42” high at the time of planting, will be planted to screen
the edge of the lot facing 37th Street and the northeast corner of the property;
· Several trees and shrubs in areas under construction
will be saved by being transplanted;
· The letter of understanding calls for planting
evergreens near the 38th Street door for better screening on that side of
the building;
WHEREAS, in response to the Board’s request that The Home submit a
parking management plan to control access to the lot from 7:00 am to 3:00
pm and to designate spaces for employees and visitors with the option of
leaving a few spaces open near the door for visitors (Dec. 17 Tr. at 45,
49-50), the March 8 site plan includes gated sections for employees and visitors,
with 97 spaces set aside for employees and 33 spaces designated for visitors;
in addition, the September 23, 2003, filing (Exhibit 129) includes a written
parking management plan, which The Home now wishes to supplement by a memorandum
dated March 15, 2004 (Attachment C); and
WHEREAS, at the December 17, 2002, special meeting, the Board asked
The Home to submit an employee transit plan to encourage personnel to use
alternative means of transportation such as carpools, transit subsidies,
and shuttle service (Dec. 17 Tr. at 45-46, 48); in response, The Home submitted
such a plan on September 23, 2003 (Exhibit 129) and now also proposes to
designate carpool spaces in the parking lot near the doors and to provide
bike racks, see Attachment C; and
WHEREAS, The Home proposes to hold twice-yearly meetings with neighborhood
representatives to discuss issues related to construction and other matters
that may arise, see Attachment C, a proposal that is endorsed by ANC 3F and
their work toward reaching an agreement and, for the record, submits on behalf
of the parties the letter of understanding, the landscaping plan prepared
by Jane MacLeish, and the March 15, 2004, memorandum providing additional
information; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT ANC 3F recommends that the Board approve
the application for a special exception on the grounds that the March 8 site
plan, the landscaping plan developed by Jane MacLeish, the parking management
plan outlined in Exhibit 129 and supplemented by the March 15 memorandum,
and the employee transit plan of Exhibit 129, as supplemented by the March
15 memorandum, meet the specific criteria set forth by the Board on December
17, 2002; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT ANC 3F requests that the landscaping plan
developed by Jane MacLeish, the provisions of the letter of understanding
between The Home and CCHE, the parking management plan and transit plan outlined
in Exhibit 129, and the additional information transmitted in The Home’s
March 15, 2004, memorandum be made conditions of the board’s order.
Adopted by ANC 3F at a duly noticed public meeting on March 15, 2004, by
a vote of 5-0-0 with a quorum present (a quorum being 4).
/s/_ Karen Lee Perry_______
/s/ Cathy Wiss__________
Karen Lee Perry, Chair
Cathy Wiss, Secretary
Attachment A: Letter of Understanding between The Home and CCHE
Attachment B: Landscaping Plan by Jane MacLeish
Attachment C: March 15, 2004, Memorandum from Amy Tucci Re:
The Washington Home Parking Lot Expansion, additional information