Res 03-09


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park, Forest Hills & Tenleytown
4401-A Connecticut Avenue, N.W., #244
Washington, D.C. 20008-2322


WHEREAS: the National Park Service has issued a draft Management Plan/Environmental Assessment for the Fort Circle Parks, Washington, D.C.; and

WHEREAS: ANC 3F includes some of the Fort Circle Parks; and

WHEREAS: the Draft Management Plan, Environmental Assessment for Fort Circle Parks describes three alternatives for managing the Parks:
     Alternative 1.  Continue current management/No action.
     Alternative 2.  Designation of 23-mile trail connecting the Parks and rehabilitate existing recreational facilities.
     Alternative 3.  Designate three key sites for orientation and information; Fort Marcy, Fort Stevens and                     
                            Fort Dupont. Existing recreational facilities would be rehabilitated; and

WHEREAS: under Alternative 2 the cultural resources would benefit from the improved protection and preservation of earthworks and fort sites through stabilization and vegetation management; and

WHEREAS: under Alternative 2 the visitor experience would be enhanced by upgraded  interpretive methods (signs and brochures); and   ADD something as agreed to Ft Reno etc.

WHEREAS: Alternative 2 provides for a trail connecting the Parks; and

WHEREAS: residents of Tenleytown attended the public meeting of ANC 3F on May 19, 2003, and spoke about their desire
    • to educate the public on the history of the Civil War at Fort Reno and the post-War settlement at Reno City
    • to link the trail connecting the parks to a Heritage Trail residents are planning for Tenleytown, in which they hope to
      include a pathway within Fort Reno to the heights of the fort area and to and from the Rose School site, and
    • to enhance the historic experience at Fort Reno by retaining the visual integrity and sight line into Fort Reno Park from 
.     the ceremonial entrance at Fort Drive and by using Civil War style fencing as a decorative feature on both sides of the Fort
      Drive entrance and at the Cheseapeake Street entrance

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT; ANC 3F recommends that the National Park Service adopt Alternative 2, while taking into consideration the desires expressed by the residents of Tenleytown.


Approved by a vote of 7-0-0 at a duly noticed public meeting on May 19, 2003, with a quorum present.

/s/ Cathy Wiss                                                              /s/ David J. Bardin
Cathy Wiss, Chair                                                        David J. Bardin, Secretary