Res 02-37


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park and Forest Hills
P.O. Box 39290, Washington, D.C. 20016-9290

WHEREAS, By decision dated May 16, 2001 the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) designated the property known as the Owl’s Nest, 3031 Gates Road, N.W. (Square 2263, Lot 847) a historic landmark in the District of Columbia inventory of Historic Sites and recommended it for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (Designation Case No. 01-07); and

WHEREAS, Notice of the historic designation was published in the DC Register dated August 31, 2001; and

WHEREAS,  Anne H. Adams (Shaw Pittman, LLP) for prospective purchasers Stephen Altschul and Caroline K. James (applicant) and with support of  owner Jewish Primary Day School of the Nation’s Capital  has requested that the HPRB (H.P.A. Number 02-635)  approve the  subdivision of a portion of the Owl’s Nest property; and

WHEREAS, The applicant has also filed concept drawings for a proposed  new single family house to be constructed  facing Gates Road at the east side of the Owl’s Nest property; and

WHEREAS, ANC3F has received  letters from residents residing near the Owl’s Nest supporting the proposed subdivision and the concept drawings for the proposed new house; and

WHEREAS, ANC3F has heard no opposition to the proposed subdivision and construction of a new house; and

WHEREAS, HPRB will have jurisdiction over any construction at the site; and

WHEREAS, the HPRB staff has prepared a report recommending that the Board approve the subdivision and approve the proposed house concept with certain conditions.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that ANC3F recommends and urges that the HPRB approve the subdivision of the Owl’s Nest and the proposed house in concept; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ANC3F designates Commissioner Robert V. Maudlin to represent it before the HPRB and the Mayor’s Agent.


Adopted by a vote of 5-1-0 at a duly noticed public meeting of ANC 3F, with a quorum present,
on November 18, 2002.

  /s/ Cathy Wiss                                                       /s/ David J. Bardin
 Cathy Wiss, Chair                                                David J. Bardin, Secretary