Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park and Forest Hills
P.O. Box 39290, Washington, D.C. 2016-9290
WHEREAS: ANC 3F received notice that on March 1, 2002, DCRA received an application for a raze permit for the property at 2900 Albemarle Street; and
WHEREAS: It is reported to ANC 3F that work on the property at 2900 Albemarle Street NW is being executed in a manner that does not provide the protection necessary from the potential hazards including lead, asbestos, and other airborne pollutants that may exist on the site or be generated during the demolition and construction process; and
WHEREAS: current operations at this site may have a negative environmental impact to nearby Soapstone Valley Park; and
WHERAS: a number of small children live in proximity to the site.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: ANC 3F strongly recommends that a Stop Work Order be issued for the site at 2900 Albemarle Street NW prohibiting any further work from being performed until such time as all public health and environmental issues are resolved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: ANC 3F be given the opportunity to review
and photocopy the raze permit file.
Adopted by a vote of 6 - 0 - 0 at a duly noticed public meeting of ANC
3F on April 29, 2002, with a quorum of its seven commissioners present.
/s/ Cathy Wiss
/s/ David J. Bardin
Cathy Wiss, Chair
David J. Bardin, Secretary