OF THE 4400, 4500, AND 4600 BLOCKS OF GRANT ROAD, N.W.,
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park & Forest Hills
P.O. Box 39290
Washington, D.C. 20016-9290
WHEREAS, the History Committee of the Tenleytown Neighbors Association, Inc., and the Tenleytown Historical Society have filed an application to designate as a Historic District the 4400, 4500, and 4600 blocks of Grant Road, N.W., as a largely intact and excellent example of a late 19th and early 20th century rural postal village comprising not only the road, in use from at least 1858, but also the oldest surviving commercial building in Tenleytown and 13 residences constructed in the vernacular American Folk style of the Victorian worker’s cottage by local artisans, some of whom lived in these houses, Landmark Case No. 01-09; and
WHEREAS, ANC 3F is affected by this application because (a) the connection between the 4400 and 4500 blocks of Grant Road, now obscured by the intersection of Nebraska Avenue and Albemarle Street which overlies it, runs through a corner of ANC 3F, and (b) several of the residential properties subject to this designation are within 200 feet of ANC 3F; and
WHEREAS, ANC 3F has a special interest in this application because of its shared social heritage with the proposed district:
WHEREAS, ANC 3E, at a duly–noticed meeting on November 8,
2001, with a quorum present, voted 5-0 to support this application;
1. Joins ANC 3E in recommending that the HPRB designate the 4400, 4500, and 4600 blocks of Grant Road, along with the fourteen late 19th and early 20th century properties that border it, as a Historic District, and
2. Designates Commissioner Catherine J. Wiss to represent ANC 3F before the HPRB and any related proceedings.
Approved by a vote of 6-0-0 at a duly-noticed meeting on November 19,
2001, with a quorum present.
David J. Bardin, Chair
Robert V. Maudlin, Secretary