October 14, 2008

Digest 583 (3 Messages)

Annual Election for Board of Directors of the Friends of Guy Mason, From: ANC 3B
Re: Free Viburnum Bush From: John Henry Wheeler
Satay Club - great neighborhood restaurant From: Gina Trippi
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Annual Election for Board of Directors of the Friends of Guy Mason,

Posted by: "ANC 3B"

Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:40 pm (PDT)

ANC 3B -- 14-Oct-08, 04:27 PM

ANC 3B News for: Communit-E

The Board of Directors of the Friends of Guy Mason Recreation Center will conduct its annual election of Board members and officers on Thursday, November 6, 7:00 PM, at Guy Mason. Anyone who is interested in becoming a candidate for a seat on the twelve-person Board should contact Milton Grossman, President, by email at for further information.


Re: Free Viburnum Bush

Posted by: "John Henry Wheeler"   wheelswdc

Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:15 pm (PDT)

Viburnum plicatum tomentosum takes well to pruning, so you could make
it fit your space. It sounds too large to dig up. Maybe if it were
root pruned now and dug up next spring. But you like it so much, why
not prune it?
--- In, "lmohre" <LMohre.fbg@...> wrote:
> Help save another tree/shrub:
> I have a beautiful doublefile viburnum (v. plicatum tomentosum)that
> must be removed because it has outgrown its space. I don't have
> another place for it in my yard, but would hate to see it discarded,
> so I'm offering it to anyone who would like to remove it (carefully,
> so it doesn't damage the surrounding plantings).
> It is about 7' high and 7' wide, and has gorgeous white blooms in
> May followed by clusters of dark berries. You can see it in my front
> yard at 4706 Windom Place, just at the edge of the retaining wall.
> If interested, please call 202-237-7830. I understand this shrub
> transplants easily, and this is the ideal time to transplant!
> Liz Mohre


Satay Club - great neighborhood restaurant

Posted by: "Gina Trippi"

Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:41 am (PDT)

We just finished having lunch at the Satay Club, near the corner of
Chesapeake after reading a recommendation in Linda Hughes News. Despite
the News' glowing recommendation, The Satay Club exceeded our
expectations. The food was by far the best of the Asian restaurants in
the neighborhood, both beautifully prepared and presented. And the
ambiance was smart and relaxing. Service was great - attentive but not
overbearing. They serve sushi and a variety of Asian dishes. Don't let
the front of the place fool you, this place is a neighborhood jewel.
John Kerr