ANC 3B -- 27-Jun-08, 11:37 AM
ANC 3B News for: Communit-E
The Guy Mason master plan webpage is up and running!,a,1239,q,640734.asp
Feel free to link to the page through your community group websites and
share with other neighbors who may be interested in participating.
The webpage will be updated with more project information and documents
as we progress. In the meantime, please remember to submit your
questionnaires (available on the webpage) no later than Wednesday, July
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a
great weekend!
Sarah Moulton, ASLA
Community Planner
Department of Parks and Recreation
Government of the District of Columbia
1480 Girard Street, NW
Suite 420
Washington, DC 20010
(o) 202.671.0417
(f) 202.671.2796
An entity of the District of Columbia government, ANC 3B is a
non-partisan body consisting of 5 commissioners elected on a biennial
basis who represent the Glover Park and Cathedral Heights communities
of Northwest Washington. Broadcast e-mail messages provide information
to the community regarding the ANC, community events, city services,
and other governmental or city-wide activities. Such postings, however,
do not necessarily imply endorsement or support by this ANC. For more
information on ANC 3B, link to our web site at
or send e-mail to