April 8, 2008

Digest 446 (5 Messages)

carpenter bees From: Leslie Marinaccio
Friends of the Tenley-Friendship Library From: Green-Hunter
Re: Friends of the Tenley-Friendship Library From:
Wisconsin Avenue Beautification Project (WABP) From: Kersti Colombant
Stone person needed From: Sheila L. Summers
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carpenter bees

Posted by: "Leslie Marinaccio"   Lmarinaccio

Mon Apr 7, 2008 12:29 pm (PDT)

I agree. We have a lot of overhang around our house
and fixing what they damage is no easy task.

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.


Friends of the Tenley-Friendship Library

Posted by: "Green-Hunter"

Mon Apr 7, 2008 3:02 pm (PDT)

Dear Member,
This is an urgent reminder that the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (ODMPED) wants to hear from the community as it evaluates three proposals for mixed-use development of the Tenley-Friendship Library/Janney School sites, and it requests your comments -- via e-mail to -- by Wednesday, April 9. If you share your Board's opposition to the three proposals, indeed to any proposal that would further delay the design and rebuild process now underway at the DCPL, limit the library's size or possible future expansion, cost more while delivering less, we ask that you make your thoughts known to the ODMPED before its Wednesday deadline. Be sure to add your address as well as your name so that the community's voice is clear.

Please also send copies of your comments to the following (and add to this list if you wish): (Note: Councilmember Harry Thomas, Jr. is Chair of the Committee on Libraries, Parks & Recreation. He will be holding a special meeting on closed libraries and plans for rebuilding at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, April 19, in the Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. If you are interested in giving testimony, call Angel Nix at 724-8104.)


P.S. Please mark your calendars. The Friends of the Tenley-Friendship Library will hold its Annual Meeting (and Board election; nominations may be made from the floor.) at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, May 10, at the Interim Library.

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Re: Friends of the Tenley-Friendship Library

Posted by: ""   smithhemb

Tue Apr 8, 2008 10:01 am (PDT)

Thanks for posting this reminder!

It's really important that everyone who is happy with the progress that
DCPL is making and relieved to see our library rebuild extricated from
the public-private partnership debacle, say so now.

Otherwise, the Deputy Mayor, Mayor, and the Council are likely to get a
very distorted sense of public opinion because they will certainly hear
from people who want that decision reversed. So even if you have
written previously, it's worth doing again because we're at a crucial
decision-making point and DMPED doesn't seem to be thinking
cumulatively, just looking at comments received at the
_tenleytown@dc.gov_ ( address, which was
established February 28th.

Sue Hemberger
Friendship Heights

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Wisconsin Avenue Beautification Project (WABP)

Posted by: "Kersti Colombant"   k.colombant

Mon Apr 7, 2008 6:54 pm (PDT)

The Wisconsin Avenue Beautification Project
April 6, 2008
Dear Neighbors, Many thanks to all of you who have already contributed. We have raised $2000 which has enabled us to have the spring clean-up done by TERRA....edging, mulching, cutting back the fountain grass and the liriope...If you walk on that part of Wisconsin Avenue or drive by you will see how wonderful it looks! In order to keep the Avenue maintained during the summer when the weeds grow fast and the trash accumulates, we need another $3000. So please donate, and donate generously, if you want our neighborhood to remain green and clean. We need your help! Please make checks payabe to: WABP and send to 4439 Davenport St NW, Washington DC 20016. With warm thanks and regards, Jo Cooper and Kersti Colombant, Project Co-Chairs

The Wisconsin Avenue Beautification Project is a partnership effort among local residents, businesses and institutions to relandscape and maintain Wisconsin Avenue between Tenley Circle and Fessenden Street.

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Stone person needed

Posted by: "Sheila L. Summers"

Tue Apr 8, 2008 10:01 am (PDT)

Does anyone have recommendations for a firm or person to handle a new
"Front path and steps" Thanks, Sheila Summers
4227 46th Street, NW, 202-363-5443