Digest 435 (5 Messages)

Kittens for adoption From: Lori
Tree Markings From: pactrad1
House cleaner From: jillegrant
Did You Remember to Remove Your Car for the Street Sweeper TODAY? From: Lyons, Nancee (DPW)
Volunteers needed again this week for Fire Victim Donation Site From: Samantha Nolan
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Kittens for adoption

Posted by: "Lori"   nofir57

Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:31 am (PDT)

I have 3, 5-7-week old kittens and their mom who is a kitten herself
available for adoption. They are stunning, well socilaized and healthy.
They will be ready in about 2 weeks.
They must go in pairs unless you already have a young kitten.
They need a foster home now if you want a wonderful experience :)
Contact Lori Rolnick at PetMAC DC for more info.


Tree Markings

Posted by: "pactrad1"   pactrad1

Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:31 am (PDT)

The bases of four of the older trees on our block (4500 block of
Garrison St. NW) have been marked with a white substance that looks
something like a large handful of white corn starch. Would anyone know
what that might be or why it has been put on the trees? Has anyone
else noticed it in their areas? Thank you. L. Brenneman.


House cleaner

Posted by: "jillegrant"   jillegrant

Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:33 am (PDT)

Does anyone have a recommendation for an honest, thorough, and
reliable house cleaner? I recently moved to the neighborhood and would
appreciate any references for someone who could come to my house every
other week. Thanks.


Did You Remember to Remove Your Car for the Street Sweeper TODAY?

Posted by: "Lyons, Nancee (DPW)"

Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:05 am (PDT)

Daytime Residential Street Sweeping Resumes March 24,

Ticketing Begins March 31

Daytime mechanical street sweeping resumed today in heavily trafficked
residential neighborhoods. Alternate-side parking restrictions in these
areas will go into effect as well. Parking tickets, which carry a $30
fine, will be issued, beginning March 31, to vehicles parked during
street sweeping hours in areas posted with "No Parking/Street Cleaning"
signs. Additionally, parked cars may be towed to allow the sweepers
access to the curbside. Generally, parking is prohibited for two hours
while sweeping is underway.

When street sweepers are able to successfully complete their route, the
pay off is tremendous. Based on a recent study, each mile swept
mechanically removes 10 pounds of grease and oil; three pounds of
nitrates and phosphates; and, one to two pounds of heavy metals.

DPW street sweepers cover about 4,000 lane miles monthly, removing
litter by brushing it onto a conveyor system, which transports the
material into a debris hopper. The sweeper also emits a fine spray of
water to help control dust. Street sweeping is suspended during winter
as the sprayed water can freeze on the street and cause dangerous
driving conditions. For more about the DC Department of Public Work's
street cleaning program, visit

Nancee Lyons

Public Affairs Specialist

DC Department of Public Works

2000 14th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20009

(202) 671-2637, 671-0642 (fax)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Volunteers needed again this week for Fire Victim Donation Site

Posted by: "Samantha Nolan"   nolantutor

Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:01 pm (PDT)

Posted by Samantha Nolan

Feel free to pass this onto to interested parties and potential volunteers.

Amy Ward, JD
Director, DC Citizen Corps
Executive Office of the Mayor
(202) 727-7949
One Judiciary Square
441 4th Street, NW
Suite 1140 North
Washington, DC 20001


From: Intern, Servedc (EOM)
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 11:05 AM
Subject: Donation Management Volunteers Needed: Tues, Wed, Thurs - this week
Importance: High

Mt. Pleasant fire – Recovery effort continues!
Volunteers are needed for donations management.

Due to the recent fires in Mt. Pleasant many residents were displaced. Serve DC is the primary receiver of donations to help those impacted.
Currently we are accepting donations of small household appliances, furniture, bedding, dishes, etc.
Your assistance is needed to help receive, sort, l! oad/unload, and inventory donations as they are brought in.

Tuesday March 25, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Thursday March 27, 2008
9:00am – 2:00pm
! 9:00am – 2:00pm
1:00pm – 6:00pm
1:00pm – 6:00pm

Specify which shift for which you are responding. If you can only do a partial shift, please specify time.

To register please contact Shirley Hall, by email Shirley.hall@ or call (202) 727-7925

Where: DC General Hospital Warehouse
1900 Massachusetts Avenue, SE
Building # 6

DC General is accessible from the Stadium-Armory ( Orange and Blue line) metro station
Enter the front of the hospital campus. Walk or drive to back of campus.
The warehouse is the last building. (See attached map)
The warehouse is next to the tall smokestack (visible from the front entrance).
The loading docks are the best way to identify the building.

Duties: Unloading, sorting donations
Inventory of donations

Site Contact: (202) 341-3857

Photo ID required. Wear your CERT hat and vest or jacket. Watch the weather – wear appropriate clothes.


Shirley Bishop Hall
CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Manager
Serve DC
Executive Office of the Mayor
441 4th Street NW, Suite 1140B North
Washington, DC 20001
Direct Line: 202.727.8965 Fax: 202.727.9198
Email: Shirley.hall@
