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Janney School Proposal  Comment Period Extension From: acsullivan2001
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Janney School Proposal  Comment Period Extension

Posted by: "acsullivan2001"   acsullivan2001

Mon Mar 3, 2008 10:11 am (PST)

Deputy Mayor Neil Albert informed me on Sunday evening that the
comment period for the developers' proposals for the Janney School
site will be extended 22 days past the original deadline of March
7th in order to provide the customary 30 day comment period. I am
very grateful to Deputy Mayor Albert for this change in plans.

The ANC 3E Special Committee has learned from DCPS that a revised
facilities modernization schedule is being prepared and will be
announced toward the end of May. We believe that this is a good
window of opportunity to communicate the desire to modernize Janney
Elementary School as soon as possible (with or without a development
project), due to the overcrowded campus, the state of the
facilities, the necessity of classrooms in trailers on the campus,
the projected growth in school population, and the over 200 students
on the waiting list who would like to attend Janney Elementary
School from neighborhoods outside of the school boundaries. Please
send your thoughts and concerns to Mayor Fenty at and also to our Ward 3 Council Member Mary Cheh

The 30 day comment period is also an opportunity for the Office of
Planning and Economic Development to ask the Office of the Chief
Financial Officer to vet the financial aspects of the proposals and
to report those analyses back to the community. We are also
calling on the OPED to ask Mr. Allen Lew, Director, School
Facilities Modernizations, to look at the developers' timelines,
construction process steps, staging plans and to weigh in on the
reliability of the representations made within those proposals. If
you would like to join in this request to the Deputy Mayor for the
Office of Planning and Economic Development, please send your
comments to

Submitted by Anne C. Sullivan, ANC 3E05