Digest 407 (6 Messages)

Adoption Event this Sunday From: Lori
Re: Residential Parking Permits From:
Re: Residential Parking Permits From: Aaron Epstein
Re: Digest Number 406 From: Ruttenberg, Charles
Re: My Letter To Councilmember Cheh From: kathysmithindc
My Letter To Councilmember Cheh From:
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Adoption Event this Sunday

Posted by: "Lori"   nofir57

Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:43 am (PST)

Where : PetMAC DC 4220 Fessenden St NW
When : Sunday 12-2
Why: So the fabulous felines of Homeward Trails can find a permanent
home. Come meet Molly, Socks, Houdini, Bobby, Tyke and others hoping
find a forever family.

Lori Rolnick


Re: Residential Parking Permits

Posted by: ""   mjsimon524

Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:59 am (PST)

The proposal is overly broad, and will clearly have a negative impact on
neighborhoods near Metro, shopping, private schools, universities and employment
centers. Each ANC will be flooded with visitor permits, each of which can
be used for unlimited parking throughout the ANC, a mile or more from the
resident-host’s home. Even if the areas where the permits could be used were
more limited, there would still likely be problems in these areas, as
utilization of on-street parking is already at, near or over capacity, and homeowners
will need to seek parking even further from their homes. If it is determined
that the current system is not adequate or reasonable, it is necessary to
first define the problem what we want to solve. Then, a more targeted program
might be developed which provides a more limited permit that addresses the
specific concerns for which this pilot program was developed. But this proposal
is clearly not-ready-for-prime-time.
I hope that the ANCs and community groups can work with Ms. Cheh and DDOT to
develop an equitable proposal that will achieve the goals of this proposal
without harming our neighborhoods in Ward 3. I am confident that such a plan
could be developed if Ms. Cheh and DDOT are open to discussing modifications
of the pilot project.
Marilyn Simon

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Re: Residential Parking Permits

Posted by: "Aaron Epstein"   aaron_epstein

Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:59 am (PST)

We strongly favor the residential parking permit proposal.
There are lots of reasons born of personal experience.
The current rules prevent our regular housekeeper from parking in front of our house, requiring her to unload her cleaning equipment, then park elsewhere.
The current rules discourage family members who'd like to stay awhile. Our son actually had to pay a fine for the offense of staying at our house overnight!
And recently a neighbor living across the alley from our garage had their home extended. The construction crew, unable to park in front of the house, blocked the alley EVERY DAY with their trucks. Every time we had to drive out of our garage, we had to get the attention of the workers so they could move their truck out of the way. This went on for months.
A temporary permit for the time necessary to complete the long construction project would have enabled these workers to park in front of the house and not block the alley. But the owners of the house grew tired of requesting permits every 15 days.
In short, it's way past time to ease the currently stupid permit limitations.
Aaron & Jackie Epstein

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Re: Digest Number 406

Posted by: "Ruttenberg, Charles" Ruttenberg.Charles@ARENTFOX.COM

Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:08 am (PST)

From: Ruttenberg, Charles
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 12:36 PM
To: No Reply
Subject: RE: [COMMUNIT-E] Digest Number 406

The idea of a permanent additional visitor pass is a bad one. For example, if there are twelve houses in a block that would mean the likelihood of an additional twelve cars on the block--an impossible situation. The possibility of abuse is extremely high.We already have significant parking problems with AU students
and out-of state cars. Further,I strongly object to any communication to Ms. Cheh purporting to represent the community in this matter.

Charles Ruttenberg

From: Kathy Smith


If you are referring to my letter to Ms. Cheh, I clearly labeled
it as MY letter to her. I did not say I was representing
the community.
Kathy Smith


Re: My Letter To Councilmember Cheh

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:11 am (PST)


Thank you sooooooo very much for writing the letter in support of sane
parking permit policies.. I'll follow your example and write one too.
This parking situation is a seemingly never-ending nightmare.
With appreciation for all your work,, Betty


My Letter To Councilmember Cheh

Posted by: ""   catdell

Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:15 am (PST)

I agree with Kathy Smith. The parking pass is an important one for those of
us who depend on others for help with our lives. Thank you for promoting
the testing of it in Ward 3.
Kate Dell

In a message dated 2/23/2008 9:26:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Dear Councilmember Cheh,

Relief is long overdue for people to be able to have friends, workmen,
providers to their homes without the fear of getting a ticket. Your
idea of
giving each household a pass is an excellent one. My block is often nearly
empty of cars yet no visitor can park there for more than two hours.

You will need to address the concerns of folks who live near Metro
They fear that the passes will be rented to commuters. I imagine there are
ways to get around this problem. What did they do in Ward 4?

Thank you for supporting this sensible solution to a very annoying

Kathy Smith
Publisher, COMMUNIT-E

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