Digest 393 (7 Messages)

Re: 911 vs. 311 From: Richard L. Paul
Issue -   911 vs. 311 plus Status Report plus Patience. From: Patrick G. Talmon
Damp basement repair From: Katherine J. Williams
The cell phone tips are 75% hoax From: lmmiller
DPW Impoundment Lot Remains Closed Today From: Lyons, Nancee (DPW)
FW: WARL's Pasta for Pets fun[d]raiser - Saturday, February 16th From: Carolyn C Donnelly
Podiatrist  Wanted From: Aaron Epstein
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Re: 911 vs. 311

Posted by: "Richard L. Paul"   rlpaulproductions

Mon Feb 4, 2008 10:09 am (PST)

On Friday a neighbor's burglar alarm started ringing at 8:30 AM. By 9:30, when it didn't stop, I called 911. At the time I didn't know it was a burglar alarm. I thought it was a car alarm. So I felt bad about calling 911 for such a petty annoyance (my assumption in this neighborhood is that when a car alarm is going off, it's more likely a cat than a criminal that set it off).

When the dispatcher first got on the line, I told him that I wasn't sure if I was supposed to call 911 to report a car alarm that wouldn't stop. He told me that I was correct in calling 911. wrote that "News stories all said that this change would mean fewer calls to 911. The whole thing doesn't make sense." I have to say that at this point I agree. In that past I would have called 311 to report something like this, but now I am supposed to call 911. That seems like it's going to cause more people to call 911. Another point to add to this story: when I first called 911, I was put on hold.

Richard Paul
3704 Alton Pl., NW

PS: The burglar alarm finally stopped at 2:00 PM. By that time I'd called 911 two additional times (at 11:30 and 12:30) to report that it was a burglar alarm.

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Issue -   911 vs. 311 plus Status Report plus Patience.

Posted by: "Patrick G. Talmon"

Mon Feb 4, 2008 10:09 am (PST)

In reporting street and alley lights out of order include whether the light is on a wooden or metal pole plus the ID number attached....that will help.

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Damp basement repair

Posted by: "Katherine J. Williams"

Mon Feb 4, 2008 10:10 am (PST)

Does anyone have a suggestion for someone who works on damp basements? I
don't have water pouring in (except during that ice melt several years ago
when everyone had a wet-basement story), but the walls are damp and
crumbling. Thanks in advance for your help. Katherine Williams

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The cell phone tips are 75% hoax

Posted by: "lmmiller"   lmmiller

Mon Feb 4, 2008 10:10 am (PST)

The only true one is that you can get free directory assistance from
your cellphone at 800-free-411, although you have to listen to some
pretty annoying ads to get the number.

The other three are baloney, neatly debunked at


DPW Impoundment Lot Remains Closed Today

Posted by: "Lyons, Nancee (DPW)"

Mon Feb 4, 2008 1:17 pm (PST)


Plumbers are on-site; officials will reopen lot Tues., Feb. 5, at 8 am.

The DC Department of Public Works announced today, February 4, 2008,
that the DPW Blue Plains Impoundment Lot remains closed through today
while plumbing crews continue their work. The heavy rains last week
made worse the plumbing problems that caused the impoundment lot to
close in the first place. While some progress was made over the
weekend, the lot will not be ready to open until 8 am Tuesday, February

Motorists who, between Friday and Monday, paid the necessary fees to
have their vehicles released, will not be charged storage fees for these
four days.

The impoundment lot's normal business hours are weekdays, 8 am to 6 pm.
It is located at 5001 Shepherd Parkway, SW.

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FW: WARL's Pasta for Pets fun[d]raiser - Saturday, February 16th

Posted by: "Carolyn C Donnelly"

Mon Feb 4, 2008 5:12 pm (PST)

The Washington Animal Rescue League is holding their Annual Spaghetti Dinner
and Family Game Night

Date: Saturday, February 16, 2008

Time: 6-9 pm

Where: Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church

3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW (across from American

Cost: $15 each or $50 for a "4-Love pack"

Tickets available at the door

Donations of used towels and blankets welcome (no sheets please).

This is to benefit the "Love Fund" of the Washington Animal Rescue League.
The Love Fund is used to provide urgent veterinary care

and service to the pets of low-income owners.

Additional information about the Washington Animal Rescue League at <>


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Podiatrist  Wanted

Posted by: "Aaron Epstein"   aaron_epstein

Tue Feb 5, 2008 6:21 am (PST)

Podiatrist Found. Thanks to all the people in the community who generously took the time to relay the names of their favorite foot doctors. We've made an appointment with one of them. For the information of others, we've listed below the podiatrists recommended to us by one or more neighbors.

Aaron & Jackie Epstein

Dr. Joel Morse, Foxhall Podiatry, 3301 New Mexico Ave. NW Suite 228, 202-966-4811

Dr. Harold Glickman (202) 833 - 9797

Drs. Paul Taylor and Howard Osterman, 1720 I St. NW, Suite 402, 202-331-0727

Dr. Stuart Sibel 5530 Wisconsin Ave Suite 945, 301-913-5225

Dr. Michael Theodoulou, 3301 New Mexico Ave. N.W, 202-237-0038

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