Digest 392 (6 Messages)

Useful Cellphone Information From: kathysmithindc
Podiatrist  Wanted From: LINDA HUGHES
Podiatrist  Wanted From:
Issue -   911 vs. 311 plus Status Report plus Patience. From: John A. Moody
Issue -   911 vs. 311 From: Office 2004 Test Drive User
Re: Getting Rid Of Graffiti From: David Bono
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Useful Cellphone Information

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Sun Feb 3, 2008 6:30 am (PST)


Useful Cellphone Information

>>>> FIRST
>>>> Subject: Emergency
>>>> The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112.
>>>> If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your
>>>> mobile; network and there is an emergency, dial 112
>>>> and the mobile will search any existing network to
>>>> establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly
>>>> this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked.
>>>> Try it out.

>>>> THIRD
>>>> Subject: Hidden Battery Power
>>>> Imagine your cell battery is very low. To activate, press
>>>> the keys *3370# Your cell will restart with this reserve
>>>> and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery.
>>>> This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell
>>>> next time.
>>>> How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?
>>>> To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the
>>>> following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 #
>>>> A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number
>>>> is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it
>>>> somewhere safe. When your phone get stolen, you can
>>>> phone your service provider and give them! this code.
>>>> They will then be able to block your handset so even
>>>> if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be
>>>> totally useless.
>>>> You probably won't get your phone back, but at least
>>>> you know that whoever stole it can't use / sell it either.
>>>> If everybody does this, there would be no point in people
>>>> stealing mobile phones.
>>>> And Finally....
>>>> FIFTH
>>>> Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 or
>>>> more for 411 information calls when they don't have to.
>>>> Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in our
>>>> vehicle, which makes this situation even more of a
>>>> problem. When you need to use the 411 information option,
>>>> simply dial: (800) FREE 411, or (800) 373-3411 without
>>>> incurring any charge at all. Program this into your cell
>>>> phone now.


Podiatrist  Wanted

Posted by: "LINDA HUGHES"

Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:26 pm (PST)

Ditto Michael Theodoulou. I had a pain-free surgery experience with him.

Linda Hughes

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Podiatrist  Wanted

Posted by: ""

Sun Feb 3, 2008 3:00 pm (PST)

I recommend Lee Firestone. He is skilled, smart, and enthusiatic about
helping his patients. Office in Chevy Chase, Md., 301-913-5225.

**************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Issue -   911 vs. 311 plus Status Report plus Patience.

Posted by: "John A. Moody"

Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:28 pm (PST)

While it may seem confusing having to call 311 for all non-emergency
calls to the police, while at the same time using the same 311 to
report other such mundane events as dead streetlights, graffiti,
missing garbage cans, at al, where we we previously called the
mayor's old 727-1000 number, the system is designed to separate the
two different paths for you by giving you the option of selecting
which of the two paths you want to take.

For example, you will be requested at the outset to Press A for
Police Non-Emergencies, and Press B for Mundane Events - which nicely
lets you choose which path to take. And I have found it works like a
charm, 24/7, with almost instant pick up by a courteous human being
who will listen to your short tale of woe and give you a Confirmation
Number for your specific 311 call.

Keep track of your Confirmation Number(s) because they are your only
key to success. You may have to call back if results do not occur,
at which time you will be given a new Conformation Number. After
which, when your call is completed, that operator will pass your
comments along to the bureau or DC office which is responsible for
taking action.

That said, how did my neighbor's and my call to 311 to report the
problem of two adjacent dead streetlights in our alley go? Having
the two dead street lights right next to each other meant that the
middle half of our alley had been the "Black Hole of Calcutta" for
some months.

My first Follow Up Call to 311: Using my Conformation Number,
three or so days after my orignal Call #1 to report the problem, I
was informed by the 311 operator - in about 5 or 6 seconds - that
that Corrective Action Item had been Completed, ie, Case Closed.

Result: Nothing had changed. Both alley lights remained dead.

My second Follow Up Call to 311 (using a new Confirmation Number).

Result: Within 48 hours my neighbor's alley light was shining like a
Beacon of Hope! Unfortunately, my adjacent alley light was still as
dead as a doornail.

Quite unexpectedly, out of the blue a day or so later, I received a
call from the Mayor's Office asking whether I was happy with the
results of my using 311. I thanked the young lady for her call,
telling here I had a split personality: Ecstatic in one respect, and
Gloomy on the other: My neighbor's light now worked beautifully,
but I was still living in the "Black Hole of Calcutta" with my still-
dead alley light.

My third follow Up call to 311 (again with a new Conformation Number)

Result: Within 48 hours or so - Bingo!!! My alley light now
worked!!!! We could hold a Mardi Gras Carnival in our brilliantly
illuminated alley from one end to the other!

Yes, 311 works. It just may require a little patience.

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Issue -   911 vs. 311

Posted by: "Office 2004 Test Drive User"   nancileh

Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:29 pm (PST)

The whole change seems confusing. News stories all said that this change
would mean fewer calls to 911. The whole thing doesn't make sense.
Sent using the Microsoft Entourage 2004 for Mac Test Drive.


Re: Getting Rid Of Graffiti

Posted by: "David Bono"   jdatedavid

Mon Feb 4, 2008 6:16 am (PST)

I am glad that Commander Soldberg and Mr. Solano are pleased with the way the graffiti removal program is showing "keen interest in getting graffiti removed so quickly." To my mind, however, these efforts can hardly be considered a success when there is graffiti with the date "2001" on Wilson High plainly visible from Nebraska Avenue. Is a signal really going out that graffiti is not being tolerated when, on a daily basis, high schoolers look up at graffiti that has been allowed to remain for seven years?

David Bono, 38th Street

6. Getting Rid Of Graffiti
> From: kathysmithindc

> 6. Getting Rid Of Graffiti
> Posted by: "kathysmithindc" kathysmithindc
> Date: Fri Feb 1, 2008 5:33 am ((PST))
> From:
> Thanks very much to all who helped on this, with a special thanks to
> Gilberto Solano. This is a terrific program and I am glad the Mayor's
> Office is taking such keen interest in getting graffiti removed so
> quickly.
> Andy Solberg
> Commander, Second District
> -----------
> From:
> Subject: Operation "Just Fix It" Graffiti Abatement: 42nd and
> Butterworth Place NW
> Great Job!!! The Department of Public Works removed the graffiti at
> 42nd & Butterworth Place NW ahead of schedule.
> WHAT: Graffiti Abatement
> WHERE: 42nd & Butterworth Place NW
> AGENCY: Department of Public Works (DPW) & Mayor's Office of
> Community Relations & Services (MOCRS)
> WHEN: Tuesday, February 5, at 1pm
> Residents and Community Leaders are welcome to attend.
> Operation Just Fix It
> 365 Days of Constituent-Focused Problem Solving
> In order to make a problem-area clean, safe and sustainable for
> residents, it is important that the community be involved in
> improving the area. "Operation Just Fix It" is Mayor Adrian M.
> Fenty's multi-agency initiative aimed at abating areas where crime,
> blight and compliance issues require participation from more than
> one DC Government agency. "Fix Its" usually cover a 2-3 block radius
> and are aimed to improve the quality of life for residents,
> businesses an! d patrons.
> Mayor's Office of Community Outreach and Services (MOCRS) work with
> residents to identify and prioritize problem areas in a given ward.
> MOCRS then coordinate the efforts of the other District Government
> agencies on its Core Team to develop a multi-coordinated agency
> strategy designed to solve the problems and assign agency resources
> needed to abate these issues.
> Through Mayor Fenty's "Operation Just Fix It" programs, the Mayor's
> Office of Community Relations and Services works hands-on with other
> agencies to bring remedy to such problem areas.
> Posted on behalf of Gilberto Solano
> 202-615-0087
> gilberto.solano@...
> Service Requests please call 202-727-1000 or go to
> For information about services go to
> Messages in this topic (1)
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