College Goal Sunday is hosting its 7th
annual event next month. College
Goal Sunday is a free event sponsored by the DE-DC-MD Association of
Student Financial Aid Administrators where college-bound students and
adult learners can receive free professional assistance in completing
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Colleges,
universities, and other private career schools require the FAFSA form to
be completed in order for the applicant to qualify for federal grants,
loans and other scholarships. This program will be held throughout the
Maryland and D.C.
area at the following locations:
- Trinity College, Room 238, Main Hall, 125 Michigan Ave. NE,
Washington, D.C.
- Montgomery College, Student Services Center, 7600 Takoma Ave., ST
Bldg., Takoma Park
- College of Southern Maryland, La Plata, Center for Business &
Industry, Room B1-113, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata
If you need more information about the event or want posters to
distribute about it, you can contact Karen Tong of the College Goal
Sunday 2008 Committee at (410) 568-8814 or email her at
You can also visit the College Goal Sunday web site
org) or call toll-free -866-GO-2-GOAL.
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