Due to insurance considerations, we are being forced to find a
new dentist.
Can anyone recommend any of the following dentists covered by
our insurance plan?
1. CHERYLE BAPTISTE, 4839 Wisconsin Ave.
2. CARY T. CHAVIS, 1145 19th St., NW
3. AVRAHAM PERETZ, 4400 MacArthur Blvd., NW
4. AKRAM MAUREEN RASTEGARI, 5415 Connecticut Ave., NW
5. JEZELLE SONNIER, 3300 Connecticut Ave., NW
6. HAYWOOD E. WYCHE, 1120 19th St., NW
7. JAMES J. LEDER JR., 5301 Westbard Circle, Bethesda, MD
8. ROBERT SCOTT NICHOLS, 4400 East West Hwy, Bethesda, MD
9. ROANNE WICZER, 8311 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda, MD
Thanks for your help.
Aaron and Jackie Epstein