Digest 349 (5 Messages)

Re: Mail delivery From: LINDA HUGHES
Scam? From: clutch3906
Mail Delivery From: Kathy Smith
Tenley Library Design Meeting From:
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Re: Mail delivery

Posted by: "LINDA HUGHES"

Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:38 am (PST)

It is my personal opinion that whoever staffs the Friendship Post office should clean house and start over. Everyone including and especially the manager of that post office should be let go or re-assigned. The attitude and behavior of Friendship's personnel is appalling. And this is not new. It has been going on for years. I was recently verbally attacked for asking two women why they had jumped the line ahead of at least eight other waiting customers.

I use the machine near the front for packages whenever possible and have begun ordering stamps by mail. I have never had any issues with the bulk mail clerk which is the reason I continue to use Friendship at all. (Bulk mail into zip code 20016 needs to be mailed from Friendship.) I've been through three bulk clerks in the past 15 years and the current man recently calculated that I have been paying too much postage for each piece of bulk mail since the beginning. He did this without any promptinng from me, so if personnel there are erradicated, let's keep him. Also, he always has a smile.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



Posted by: "clutch3906"   clutch3906

Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:39 am (PST)

Just before we left for Thanksgiving, a man came to the door with a
Washington Gas & Light hat and ID. I also saw some gas bills in his
folder. He said he was here to see if I qualified for some fixed
price gas plan, but to verify he needed to see my latest gas bill. I
told him I was all set and he left. After he left, I thought that if
he was from the gas company, he should have access to my bill. I then
looked at my bill: It's from Washington Gas, no "Gas and Light".
When my wife arrived home shortly after he left, my wife saw a woman
with the same ID at our neighbor's house.

Is this legit? I get info on gas prices by mail. Seems like a scam
to me, but???


Mail Delivery

Posted by: "Kathy Smith"   kathysmithindc

Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:40 am (PST)

We frequently get someone else's mail. Often it's for the same street
numbers but on another street. We put it into the nearest mailbox or on the door for the mailman to pick up. We can't help but wonder where some of our mail ends up. Hopefully whoever gets it also puts it
back into the system so that it'll eventually come to us.



Posted by: "rmbozarth"   rmbozarth

Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:26 pm (PST)

Just had a very pleasant experience with a new woman owned business in
our area. In case you need an extra hand especially during this busy
time of the year I highly recommend you contact them.
Phone 202-390-6791


Tenley Library Design Meeting

Posted by: ""

Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:28 pm (PST)

The DC Public Library is hosting a third Community Design Meeting to work
with the community in designing and constructing the Tenley-Friendship
Neighborhood Library. The architect, the Freelon Group, will be presenting the latest
design plans to the community. Wednesday, December 12 @ 6:00pm.
Tenley-Friendship Interim Library, 4200 Wisonsin Avenue, NW.

Martha Saccocio
