Digest 320 (12 Messages)

Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic From: Leslie Marinaccio
Re: Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic From: kathysmithindc
Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic From: doris noble
Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic From:
Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic From: KD McLynn
Lost Baby Shoe From: kathysmithindc
Youth & Entertainment Non-Profit From: kathysmithindc
More on police cruisers in front of Best Buy From: Richard Clark
Re: Animals in the Attic From: kathysmithindc
Nanny Available From: kathysmithindc
House Cleaning From: grichardreed
Laundry Days From: kathysmithindc
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Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic

Posted by: "Leslie Marinaccio"   Lmarinaccio

Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:47 am (PST)

moth balls work well, too. i had a problem with mice
in my basement and found that they were coming down
the chimney. i had a new crown put on the chimney and
haven't seen them since. i agree with kathy that you
need to check the attic and see how they are getting
in. must be a pretty good size gap if raccoons are
getting in.

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Re: Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:00 am (PST)

From: Rick Dulaney <>

We had a similar problem a couple of years ago, when squirrels chewed
through the louvered openings on both sides of our attic. We used
Western Pest Control (also good for termites) to help. It turns out
that gray squirrels are protected and can't be exterminated, so the
person constructed a chicken fence solution that allowed the squirrels
out but not back in. No problems since. Good luck!


Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic

Posted by: "doris noble"   dorisnoble20016

Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:07 pm (PST)

I would call Adcock's. they specialize in this kind of problem 301 0105. Why risk being bitten by what is living in your attic?
Doris Noble

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Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic

Posted by: ""

Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:47 pm (PST)

We had a 50-pound raccoon and her not-so-young young living in our attic crawl space a year or so ago.

The first time I heard them, I thought someone had broken in and was rummaging through my dresser drawers.

We hired Trap Pro; they set traps on the roof and also took care of the damage. The raccoons had chewed the insulation off the air ducts and left a lot of excrement. According to Trap Pro, it is illegal to kill a raccoon in DC and illegal to transport them into Maryland, and the only way to ensure they don't return is to take them across water so they can't pick up their own scent. They said they were releasing them on the other side of the Anacostia. Trap Pro said our raccoon was the biggest they'd ever caught.

They apparently entered through a very small hole on our neighbor's side (we live in a two-family) where a gutter had come loose. Then they ran back and forth through a place where the common wall didn't quite touch the underside of the roof.

The trapper speculated that the mother had entered several months earlier, when we'd heard some little noises but not investigated fully. They left when warm weather came, and they came back when it got cool. That's when they were bigger and heavier, and they made their presence known.

We too, by the way, live on Albemarle.
Sherry Levy-Reiner


Suggestions Needed -- animals in attic

Posted by: "KD McLynn"

Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:38 pm (PST)

If the ammonia doesn't work, I suggest that you consider calling Humane
Wildlife Solutions, a group affiliated with the Humane Society. Haven't
needed them yet, but I read about them in John Kelly's Washington column
7/23/07 & kept the number for future reference. They charge a fee like
regular exterminators, but use humane methods. For example, for attics they
install a one-way door so that the attic denizens can come out at their
usual time, but can't get back in. I understand that they also check for
nests to relocate so that they aren't leaving babies to starve in your attic
while mom is locked outside.

Fax: 301-258-3080
2100 L St. NW Washington, D.C. 20037

On my early morning walks, I have seen a raccoon family in and out of
shrubbery along Albemarle.


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Lost Baby Shoe

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:49 am (PST)

From: bethhaile <>

Last Sunday I lost an infant girls tennis shoe, with a pink ribbon
lace, somewhere on the way home from Super Fresh walking on the south
side of Yuma Street to the 4300 block. If any good samaritan happens
to find it, could you please email me and I will pick it up.


Youth & Entertainment Non-Profit

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:50 am (PST)


Youth & Entertainment Non-Profit is Looking For You

PBM seeks people interested in helping youth through an exciting
program! Join us for a networking and informational brunch, this
Saturday, October 27th!!!

Powerful Beyond Measure (PBM) is an organization formed to implement
innovative programs focusing on youth development and aiding
lower-income families, by uniquely integrating the entertainment,
sports, media and arts industries. The mission is to build stronger
communities through strategic efforts that will help youth and adults
grow towards empowerment, as well as personal and community growth.
The C.A.P.E. League, our first program, is a year-round camp, created
to integrate the lives of young people in the DC area with great
opportunities. The strategy is to bring youth in per their interests
in arts, entertainment, sports and media ? while developing them in a
variety of other key areas; to become well-rounded adults.

We are looking for wonderful, civic minded or entertainment interested
individuals to help grow the organization. Join us for a great
opportunity to help today's young people, participate in fun and
exciting experiences, donate time to your community and start or grow
a career in entertainment or non-profit service. Students may be
eligible for intern and/or community service credit!!!

We are especially looking for volunteers in the following areas:

Tutors: PBM is launching a tutoring program. The program will offer
free tutoring to children in the CAPE League and to students at the
Children's Studio school.

Volunteer Staff: A special group of volunteers are needed as a staff
member. In these roles, volunteers have a title, attend staff
meetings, develop their own area, participate in staff activities,
etc. Great resume builder & networking opportunities.

PBM Holiday Gala/Special Events: We always need help with special
events. Our next events/programs will be our Holiday Gala/Silent
Auction and our Derrell Coley Boxing Clinic. Volunteers are all areas
of putting on an event.

Fundraising: We always need help raising more money. This would
encompass referring donors, researching and writing grants, making
donations, finding in kind services and donations, writing thank you
letters, etc.

Industry Relationships: Since we use entertainment to present our
programs, our relationships within that industry are key. We need
volunteers to help network and maintain those relationships for the
purpose of programming, marketing, and planning.

Marketing: Marketing is a key area for a growing organization. We need
volunteers to help with public relations, web site maintenance,
marketing materials, new partnerships, events, and other related areas.

We would love to have you join us. If you are interested in
volunteering, please contact us at 202-248-9201 or


More on police cruisers in front of Best Buy

Posted by: "Richard Clark"   biking2

Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:53 am (PST)

I think Mr. Meier's was talking about lunch time and not about before and after school. I've been there after school and know what you're talking about with the kids. But I've gone into that area at noon-time and have seen it several times for myself.

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Re: Animals in the Attic

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:04 pm (PST)


Re the problem of squirrels/raccoons dancing on the ceiling at night,
we've had that problem a couple of times. It's very annoying, they
seem to have "parties" around 4 in the morning. I used Adcock's
trapping service to get rid of them. They place traps, monitor the
traps, and seal up every opening they find. On their advice, I also
removed all the tree branches that hung over or near the roof to help
prevent the critters from jumping onto my roof. Hope this helps.
Lesley Shneier


Lesley-Ann Shneier, Senior Knowledge & Learning Specialist,

Corporate Administration and Affairs

The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street, N.W., MC11-1115, Washington, DC,
20433 ?

' (202) 473-3168 7 (202) 522-1644 * þ



Nanny Available

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:04 pm (PST)


Our fabulous nanny is looking for a new family, and is available 4-5
days a week. She drives, speaks English, and is an all around great
person. Her name is Rose Boadu and her cell phone number is
301-775-7270. Please call if her if you are interested. Thanks.
Beth (


House Cleaning

Posted by: "grichardreed"   grichardreed

Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:45 pm (PST)

Occasionally, members have been looking for someone for house cleaning.
I would like to recommend Maria Sorto. She recently finished a "Spring
Cleaning" at our house. It was a super job. She can be reached on 202-
409-6921. It can be contacted on 202-237-2599.


Laundry Days

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:47 pm (PST)


How about this one!!!
A man rents the house next door to me and last week I came home to the
wonderful sight of a laundry rack placed on the front walkway to his
His undershorts and socks remained in full view outside of his house
for hours.

Mind you, there is a back yard, as well as a dryer in that house.

Is there any ordinance regarding the act of drying laundry in the
front of a house???
This was tasteless act, and lacking in regard for the neigbors.

H Phillips