Digest 306 (7 Messages)

Key found From: Rick Dulaney
Fall and Winter Crime From: mpdc0169
Re: Stolen Bikes From: kathysmithindc
Unsecured Basement Windows From: kathysmithindc
Car Break-in From: kathysmithindc
ANC 3E meeting location change From: kathysmithindc
Safety Tips For This Week From: kathysmithindc
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Key found

Posted by: "Rick Dulaney"   rick_4235

Mon Oct 8, 2007 1:33 pm (PST)

A pedestrian found a key in front of our house on 47th nr Warren; we
didn't recognize it, so am trying here. It appears to be a house key;
email me with description of other item(s) on the keychain if it's

Thanks, Rick Dulaney


Fall and Winter Crime

Posted by: "mpdc0169"   mpdc0169

Mon Oct 8, 2007 1:35 pm (PST)

Hi this PSA 202 MPD Police Lieutenant Hoyle.

The Fall and Winter months are now upon us and with this the holiday
season approaches. Therefore area businesses and residents can
expect the usual crimes - vandalism, residential theft, drunk
driving and shoplifting - to occur.

Most theft from autos involve the breaking of a window to enter the
vehicle. Due to holiday shopping and cold weather we see an
increase in the number of car break-ins and auto thefts. We
encourage citizens to take a proactive approach to this issue:

Lock your vehicle
Don't leave valuables in the vehicle. If you must, place them in
the trunk out of sight
Park your vehicle in well lit areas
Be aware of your surroundings at all times
Leave your porch light on at night.
Lock your doors and windows
Immediately report any suspicious activity to the local police
Do not try to intervene. Being a good witness is the best
assistance you can provide the police department
Do not leave your vehicle warming up, unattended

Any information on suspicious behavior please call -311 non-
emergency or in an emergency or for a crime in progress call 911.


Re: Stolen Bikes

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Mon Oct 8, 2007 2:02 pm (PST)

From: drradack <>

My son Sam's bike is the other bike. Both my sons' bikes were taken
from our front lawn (4800 block of 45th St) Wednesday night/Thursday
early morning. The next day, a friend of one of my sons recovered the
other bike on the alley behind the houses across the street from us
(even numbered side of the block). Thank you Larry - we'll call the
MDP today.

Dan Radack


Unsecured Basement Windows

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Mon Oct 8, 2007 2:03 pm (PST)

Make sure your basement windows are secured. Bars
might be a good idea.

PSA 202
Burglary occurred in the 4700 block of Fessenden St. NW. between
9:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. A citizen reports that an unknown suspect
entered her home through an unsecured basement window and took
assorted jewelry, laptop, flat screen TV, and cash.


Car Break-in

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Mon Oct 8, 2007 2:05 pm (PST)

From: treanork <>

Wednesday evening someone rifled thrugh my car on the 4800 block of
45th Street. Nothing was taken. I assume they were looking for
money (which I don't keep in the car).



ANC 3E meeting location change

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Mon Oct 8, 2007 2:08 pm (PST)

From: onejollybird <>

I just received a message that St. Mary's Armenian Church will not
be available for our ANC meeting scheduled for October 11th. As
soon as I am able to locate and confirm a meeting room I will post
the info.
Amy McVey
Chair, ANC 3E


Safety Tips For This Week

Posted by: "kathysmithindc"   kathysmithindc

Mon Oct 8, 2007 2:08 pm (PST)

From: OFC K. A. SODIMU--MPDC--4D--PSA-401 <>

Metropolitan Police Department

Crimes Against Persons

While crimes against property are far more common. Criminals target
people as well as we all know. Not every crime against a person can be
prevented, and victims should never blame themselves for a criminal's
behavior. Still, you can help reduce your risk of being victimized by
following some common-sense tips like the ones listed here.

Below are various methods for protecting yourself in certain situations.

* In Your Residence
* In Your Car
* When You Are Out
* At ATMs
* Against Sexual Assault
* Against Stalking

In Your Residence

* Keep your doors locked, even when you are in the residence. Do
not allow anyone in until you know who that person is. If the person
claims to be a maintenance or a utility worker, verify that by asking
for identification. People who have legitimate reasons to be there
should not hesitate to provide IDs.
* If you have voice mail or an answering machine, do not put your
name on your recording. Also, if you and your roommates are female,
consider having a male friend record your greeting.
* If you are receiving threatening or obscene phone calls, contact
the police and the telephone operator.
* If you notice a person attempting to gain entry to your
residence or attempting to look into your residence, call the police
by dialing 9-1-1. Be prepared to give a description of the person, and
tell where you last saw the person and the direction he or she was
headed in at the time.

In Your Car

* Park in well-lighted, busy areas. Avoid dark, secluded areas.
* Always lock your car, even if you are in it at the time.
* As you approach your car, be aware of other people around. If
you see someone loitering near your car, do not go to it; instead,
walk to an area where there are other people.
* Have your car keys ready. Make sure you don't have to stand by
your car fumbling for your keys.
* Before you enter your car, look inside to make sure there is no
intruder in the car.
* If you see another motorist stranded on the road, do not stop to
help. Drive to the nearest phone?or use your cell phone?and notify the
* While driving, keep valuables out of sight, and not on the seat
next to you. When you are stopped in traffic or at a stop light, some
"smash-and-grab" thieves will break out the passenger window and
snatch valuables from your car seat.
* If you don't already have one, consider getting a cell phone so
you can call for assistance in an emergency.
* If you are stranded in your car, depending on time of the day do
not accept help from anyone. If someone offers help, stay in your car
and ask him or her to call police. Do not accept help from the police
unless they are in uniform and driving a marked patrol car.
* If you are approached by a carjacker demanding your car, give it
up. Your life and health are worth more than any vehicle.

When You Are Out

* Don't carry a lot of cash. Women should carry money somewhere
other than their purses. Men should carry their wallets in an inside
coat pocket or a front pants pocket.
* Don't be flashy. Expensive clothes and jewelry can make you a
target for thieves .
* Avoid shortcuts through dark, secluded areas. Stay where other
people are around.
* Do not walk alone. If you jog or walk for exercise, do it with
* Walk with confidence. Thieves are more likely to single out
those who appear hesitant or unsure of themselves.
* When walking to your residence or car, always have your keys
ready so you will spend as little time as possible in the open.
* If you are being harassed, loudly say, "Leave me alone!" If that
doesn't stop the harassment, continue to attract people's attention
and head toward any type of facility where other people are around.
* If you are confronted, give up your valuables?especially if the
attacker has a weapon. Nothing is as important as your life.
* Try to stay out of arm's reach of the attacker. Don't let the
attacker move you into an alley or car. Your best defense if the
attacker persists is to scream and run.
* Consider purchasing a personal alarm for defensive purposes.
* Look into self-defense classes. Many are offered in the community.


In recent years, ATM users have become a targets for thieves. To
prevent yourself from becoming a victim at an ATM:

* If possible, use ATM's that are located inside buildings. If
you must use an outdoor ATM, avoid using it at night. If you must use
one at night, select one with a lot of people around, that is
well-lighted, and is not in a secluded, low-visibility area.
* Try to have a friend accompany you when using an ATM.
* Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you.
* Complete your transaction as quickly as possible, and do not
flaunt your cash. Secure your cash and your ATM card in your wallet or
purse before leaving the machine.

Against Sexual Assault

Many of the general "street safety" tips apply to reducing your risk
of being sexually assaulted. If you are the victim of an attempted
sexual assault, remember that the goal is survival. Here are some
steps to help prevent some assaults from progressing, and for helping
victims in the aftermath of a sexual assault:

* Stall for time. Figure out your options. Each situation is
different. Decide if you will fight, try to talk your way out of the
assault, scream, or, if necessary for your survival, submit.
* If you fight, hit hard and fast. Target the eyes and groin.
* Try to dissuade the attacker from continuing. Tell him you have
a sexually transmitted disease, tell him you are menstruating,
urinate, vomit, or do anything to discourage the attacker.
* If you are the victim of a sexual assault, call 9-1-1
immediately. The responding officers will assist you in seeking
medical treatment and advice, which are critical in the aftermath of
an attack.
* Seek help if you feel you need it. While different victims react
differently, the weeks and months following a sexual assault can be
extremely difficult. Most hospitals and health agencies offer support
groups or other resources for victims. Remember: you are the victim,
not the person who did anything wrong.
* Avoid "date rape." Tragically, many sexual assaults in the
community and on school campuses involve date rape. Learn more about
this crime, its tell-tale signs, and strategies for getting out of
difficult and dangerous situations. Many agencies and school campuses
offer self-help seminars on date rape.
* Be responsible in your consumption of alcohol. Many date rapes
involve the use of alcohol or illegal drugs. And never leave your
drink?alcoholic or otherwise?unattended at a party or social event.
And never accept a "special drink," the contents of which you are
unsure about, from anyone you don't know and trust. Unfortunately,
so-called "date rape" drugs such as GHB are becoming increasingly
common on campuses and in the community.

Against Stalking

Stalking is defined as repeated harassment that could or does cause
the victim to feel intimidated, threatened, or frightened. While it
may be impossible to completely deter a stalker from the beginning,
you can take important steps to prevent the harassment from continuing:

* If you are a victim of stalking, report it to your police
department. Even if you are unsure about filing charges, it is
important to report the activity right away.
* Gather information to help your case, such as taped recordings
of threatening phone calls, letters, emails, license plate
information, description of a vehicle, a personal description, and a
detailed listing of any contacts the stalker makes with you.
* Follow up in court, if necessary. Take out an anti-stalking
order of protection in court, and/or file a civil lawsuit against the
stalker for damages resulting from the stalker's behavior. some legal
agencies and the courts often offer free legal advice and support in
these types of cases.
* If the stalking continues after the anti-stalking order has been
filed, contact the police immediately and press charges.

M. P. D. C.
P. S. A.-- 401.