Digest 299 (16 Messages)

Looking for a sturdy work table From: Bruce Maliken
Tenley-Friendship Library Design Meeting Oct. 3 From: catherine j wiss
Math Mentor From: stantheman927
alley abuse From: josaiddone
ISO Plumber who can come quickly From: mboyle1000
police reports and accuracy of rates From: mchlhodgson
missing orange cats? From: Maura Kelley
lawn question From: josaiddone
local Chorale seeking new members! From: alialibus
Inaccurate and Threatening Notices from Washington Gas From: gilbertosln
Flower Exchange  -  Irises for Daylilies From: kathysmithindc
Babysitting Co-op From: kathysmithindc
Two very useful sites From: kathysmithindc
Painter recommendation From: kathysmithindc
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Looking for a sturdy work table

Posted by: "Bruce Maliken" bmaliken@verizon.net   bmaliken

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:05 pm (PST)

Interested in a Four foot, Six Foot or Eight Foot sturdy table. Not
aluminum, preferably Composite wood or molded plastic. If you are wanting
to dispose of one or sell one please e-mail me at bmaliken@verizon.net

Bruce Maliken
(240) 475-4193

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Tenley-Friendship Library Design Meeting Oct. 3

Posted by: "catherine j wiss" schumannwiss@juno.com

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:05 pm (PST)

The DC Public Library is hosting a second community meeting on Wednesday,
October 3, at 6:00 pm to work with the community in designing and
constructing the new Tenley-Friendship Library. The Freelon Group, which
has been retained as the architect to redesign the library, will present
preliminary concepts to the community. The meeting will be held at the
Tenley-Friendship Interim Library, 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20016.

Cathy Wiss

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Math Mentor

Posted by: "stantheman927" stantheman927@yahoo.com   stantheman927

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:06 pm (PST)

I am looking for a math mentor for my 9 year old son. He is bright,
curious, and has good grades. I would like to enrich his math
experience by finding a passionate mentor who might infuse a sense of
challenge, excitement, or maybe even fun into his learning
experience. Please contact Stan Shulman at stantheman333@comcast.net
if you have any ideas. Thanks.


alley abuse

Posted by: "josaiddone" joturner@speakeasy.net   josaiddone

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:06 pm (PST)

In the past month or so, we've had two instances of finding our alley trash cans full to
overflowing of stuff that isn't ours -- appearing to be maybe move-out trash or the like.
This afternoon I found large tree branches that were apparently dumped there as well, they
are from a tree that doesn't exist in our yard or in ones nearby. They will take power tools to
cut up, and there isn't time for us to do that before having to meet outside committments
this evening so I'm sure th trash truck folks will be unhappy tomorrrow.

Does anyone have insight into what's going on -- or how we might discourage this?

Jo Turner, AU Park


ISO Plumber who can come quickly

Posted by: "mboyle1000" mboyle1000@aol.com   mboyle1000

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:06 pm (PST)

We need a plumber who can come quickly.

Can anyone recommend someone reliable and honest? Please respond
directly to mboyle1000@aol.com.

Also, where can I find the list of recommended service people?




police reports and accuracy of rates

Posted by: "mchlhodgson" michaelhodgson@starpower.net   mchlhodgson

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:07 pm (PST)

A question on police crime reports. In the last nine months I've had
two experiences with our local police station that make me question the
accuracy of crime reporting. Has anyone else had the kind of
experience described below?
1. Driving a daughter to school one morning I passed on the right on
New Mexico Ave at Foxhall, an SUV pulled to the right without turn
signal, and caused some minor metal damage (~$350). Although the
driver initially got out, he refused to give his name and address and
drove away. The police officer to whom I tried to report this strongly
discouraged me from reporting it. As the time spend on insurance
reporting and arguments were going to be more than it was worth, I
agreed - not thinking about our local crime reporting statistics
2. Three weeks ago my wallet was stolen out of my canvas shopping bag
at Superfresh (yes, I stepped away from the cart to pick apples). The
police insisted on labeling it "misplaced" rather than stolen despite
lengthy discussions.
These two make me wonder about the true rate of petty crime in AU
Park. Have others experienced similar issues around reporting,
appearing to make our rates look better?
Michael Hodgson



Posted by: "Rose Chambers" RChambers@esm.org

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:08 pm (PST)

We have studio vacancies at Friendship Terrace Retirement Community.
Friendship Terrace is a great place to call home for the active senior.
Studios rent for $899 a month including dinner, utilities, weekday shuttle
bus and much more. Please contact us to find out how Friendship Terrace can
be an ideal home for you or someone you know. Rose Chambers, Assistant
Administrator, ph# 202-244-7400 ext. 18, 4201 Butterworth Pl NW, Washington,
DC 20016, email: rchambers@esm.org

Rose Chambers

Assistant Adm-nistrator

Friendship Terrace Retirement Community

(202) 244-7400, ext. 18

Friendship Terrace is a service of Episcopal Senior Ministries

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missing orange cats?

Posted by: "Maura Kelley" maura_reynolds@yahoo.com   maura_reynolds

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:08 pm (PST)

For the past two nights, we have seen a mother cat and what appears to
be her 6-month-old kitten in our backyard. Both are pale orange in
color and neither has a collar. Do they belong to anyone? The mother
looks too well fed to be a stray. We'd like to help them find their
home, if they have one, or a new one, if they need one.

Maura Kelley
4800 block of Alton Place NW


lawn question

Posted by: "josaiddone" joturner@speakeasy.net   josaiddone

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:08 pm (PST)

Four mornings ago, about a third of our fenced backyard looked like a practice tee for
duffers, with scads of holes and chunks of sod beside them. I blamed the sqirrels, just
because there are so many of them and they are easy to blame for everything. This morning,
the rest of the backyard hade been similarly dug up. The holes go down into the soil about
two inches. My once verdant lawn looks pretty bad.

Since I don't know the culprits, I don't know what to do about preventing further destruction.
Can't quite imagine why squirrels would suddenly take on this new activity, unless perhaps
the extreme dryness causes them to seek something moist below the grass...? We saw a
possum out there this summer, but I don't know what a possum would dig up.

Any ideas or suggestions? --Jo Turner


local Chorale seeking new members!

Posted by: "alialibus" alice.thurston@usdoj.gov   alialibus

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:09 pm (PST)

THE GEORGETOWN CHORALE has openings for all parts (SATB) for the 2007-
08 Season! The Georgetown Chorale, a 501(c)(3) organization, seeks
new members. A brief audition is required; previous choral experience
and music-reading ability preferred. Recent selections include Fauré's
Requiem, Vivaldi's Gloria, and opera choruses. Proceeds benefit
selected charities. This season's beneficiary is So Others Might Eat
(www.some.org) . Rehearsals: Weds. 7-9pm, Church of the Redeemer,
Bethesda (off Macarthur Blvd, near Glen Echo Park). For more info or
to join, visit http://www.georgetownchorale.org/.or email



Posted by: "afrankson" Abby.Frankson@dc.gov   afrankson

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:42 pm (PST)

Tenley-Friendship Library DEMOLITION October 1

Posted by Abby Frankson on behalf of MosesAlexander Greene
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

CONTACT: MosesAlexander Greene
202. 727. 1184


DEMOLITION OF Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library Set for October 1
Community Meetings on Preliminary Library Design Plans to Be Held Days

(Washington, DC) The District of Columbia Public Library (DCPL)
announced today that the demolition of the Tenley-Friendship
Neighborhood Library has been scheduled for Monday, October 1, 2007 at 1
pm. Two days later on Wednesday, October 3 at 6 pm, DCPL will host a
second round of community meetings at the Tenley Friendship Neighborhood
Interim Library concerning the design and construction of a permanent

"I want to personally thank the Friends of Tenley-Friendship Library and
this community for your continued patience with us since this library
was initially closed," said Ginnie Cooper, chief librarian of the
District of Columbia Public Library. "Over the next few weeks, those
who work and reside in this area will see DCPL moving forward with the
demolition process and in our commitment to hearing from the community
regarding its desires in a new library."

Prior to the demolition, Goel Services representatives will conduct two
media-only tours of the interior of the library at 12:15 pm and 12:30
pm. All media interested in participating in the tour are required to
wear shoes or boots with hard soles. To RSVP for a pre-demolition tour,
the media is to contact India Young at 202. 727. 4003.

Invited Guests include:

* Ginnie Cooper, DCPL Chief Librarian
* Mary Cheh, Ward 3 Councilmember
* Harry Thomas, Councilmember and Chairperson of the Committee on
* Scott Cartland, Principal of Janney Elementary School

A "Most Commonly Asked Questions" sheet concerning this
demolition has been posted on the D.C. Public Library's website at
www.dclibrary.org <http://www.dclibrary.org/> and is also available at
the Tenley-Friendship Interim Library, 4200 Wisconsin Avenue. NW.

WHAT: Media Briefing of Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library

WHEN: Monday, October 1, 2007

12:15 pm & 12:30 pm (Media-only
tours of the interior)

1:00 pm (Actual demolition with
machines begins)

WHERE: Field of Janney Elementary School

4130 Albemarle Street, NW

(The actual location of the Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library is
4450 Wisconsin Avenue, NW. Media check-in for pre-demolition tours is on
the field of Janney Elementary School, adjacent to the library.)



What Should The Local Neighborhood Community Expect?

Residents, local business owners and patrons should keep in mind that
Goel Services, the contractor for the demolition of this library, is
razing a building made of metal, concrete, wood, and bricks. Diesel
powered, heavy construction equipment will be used to take down the
structure. Horn use will also be necessary on site.

As of press time, Goel Services had not applied for extended hour
working permits; therefore, its working hours will be according to
District of Columbia law. Also, no weekend work has been scheduled;
however, if work falls behind schedule due to weather conditions or
unforeseen circumstance, the company may need to apply for extended or
weekend hours.

What Will The Demolition Process Entail?

There are three phases to the demolition process.

Phase I The building will be demolished with machines.

Phase II Waste will be segregated into separate piles of
concrete, metal, and wood and then disposed of accordingly (recycled or

Phase III Site restoration. The land will be backfilled and
grated; seeding will eventually occur.

What is the estimated timetable for the demolition process?

Four (4) weeks are scheduled for demolition and removal of debris.
Backfilling and seeding will come once the ground has been cleared.

What about Pedestrian Traffic?

All plans for demolition were reviewed by the District of Columbia Board
of Condemnation before permits were issued. As long as all posted signs
are abided by pedestrians, no problems should occur.

What About Child Safety?

DCPL and Goel Services are aware that there are several elementary
schools in close proximity to the demolition site and every safety
precaution has been considered to ensure child safety. All project team
members are expected to work in a professional manner. The public should
feel free to bring any issues concerning child safety to the attention
of DCPL immediately.

What if members of the community want pieces of the building for

A preset number of bricks have been set aside for those who desire a
keepsake from the former structure. Contact Nancy Davenport, interim
director of library services, at (202) 727-1101 to reserve one of these

Additional Comments

The Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library signage that was purchased by
the community will be taken down before the demolition begins.
Everything in the interior was removed before the contract was

If there are additional questions which have not been adequately
answered here, please call Nancy Davenport or email your question
directly to her at Nancy.Davenport@dc.gov
<mailto:Nancy.Davenport@dc.gov> .


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Inaccurate and Threatening Notices from Washington Gas

Posted by: "gilbertosln" Gilberto.Solano@dc.gov   gilbertosln

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:43 pm (PST)

I have been forwarding these concerns to Mr. Dunn, and he has asked
me to relay this message to the community.Myron Dunn, from
Washington Gas, is investigating these Threatening
Notices that numerous DC residents have recieved. In order to
investigate this matter, Mr. Dunn needs complete contact
in order to work efficiently and effectively. He can be reached by
email at mdunn@washingtongas.com and his phone number is 703-750-
If you need additional information or have any questions please feel
to contact me. 202-727-2287office or 202-615-0087cell

Mr. Solano,

Thanks for forwarding to me some examples of the concerns we had
discussed yesterday. Washington Gas is attempting today to review
examples provided to be able to address the issues as described. Our
problem at this point is that to review the accounts we are in need
complete names and address locations. The files forwarded in many
cases advised us of only a first name, such as Warren below, or, a
name and street name without a specific address , such as Christine
Upton Street below. Could you kindly assist by having those who
forwarded inquiries to provide us with complete names and the home
address so we may continue to investigate ? Many thanks for your
assistance in this concern.


Flower Exchange  -  Irises for Daylilies

Posted by: "kathysmithindc" ksmith1804@starpower.net   kathysmithindc

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:44 pm (PST)

From: Laura Akgulian <laura@marginata.com>


Irises for daylilies, anyone? I've dug, cleaned, & dried a dozen or
more bearded irises so you can rest assured they're free of
"hitchhikers." Most of them are a variety called Vanity (delicate pink
w/tangerine beards, fragrant, strong grower), plus Blue-Eyed Susan
(yellow w/blue), Captivating (light blue), and maybe a couple of
stunning extras (only time will tell...). Would love to swap them for
interesting daylilies--peach, green, mauve, blue, anything except
yellow or the familiar orange variety that devours its hapless
neighbors when it thinks you're not looking (once was enough with that
experiment). Anytime is fine--I'm ready when you are.


Babysitting Co-op

Posted by: "kathysmithindc" ksmith1804@starpower.net   kathysmithindc

Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:45 pm (PST)

From: Susanne Schiffler <sschiffler@verizon.net>

The Uptown babysitting coop is looking for new members: We are about
ten families with kids from zero to seven in the Chevy Chase, AU Park,
Cleveland Park and Palisades neighborhoods. Please contact Susanne
Schiffler at (202) 237 17 97 or sschiffler@verizon.net for more


Two very useful sites

Posted by: "kathysmithindc" ksmith1804@starpower.net   kathysmithindc

Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:09 pm (PST)

Two very useful sites

From: John A. Moody <johnamoodydc@verizon.net>


In case you haven't run into these two sites, here they are in all
their useful glory. The first had a different name when invented, but
has now been hugely improved and expanded. So big now, I suggest you
click on category.

I just drop em into Google to open the site.





Painter recommendation

Posted by: "kathysmithindc" ksmith1804@starpower.net   kathysmithindc

Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:10 pm (PST)

From: judith clear <j.clear@rcn.com>

I want to recommend Nelson Covarrubias.(703-362-9822 or 703 913 0379)
as a reliable worker and an excellent painter. He and his helpers
recently completed painting my newly remodeled basement as well as an
upstairs bedroom. He provided excellent service. I intend to hire
him again later in this fall.

Judy Clear