Fall Fair
From: Eugene Thompson <
For more information call
Nancy Thompson 202-244-5558
Bargains, Music, Food! Bigger Than 100 Garage Sales All Under One Roof
Saturday, September 23, 9 am - 3 pm, Hundreds of bargains
are available at the Ladies Boutique, White Elephants, Jewelry, and
Collectables, and Book Stall booths. There will be an International
Expresso Bar, food and entertainment to round out the activities. The
National Presbyterian Church is located at the corner of Nebraska and
Van Ness NW near the Tenley stop on the Metro Red Line.
Entertainment includes a Mariachi Band, and "Songs Of
Joy" by Carla Rose.
National Presbyterian Church Missions Fall Fair is held on
to raise money for local, national and international missions.
"Thousands of dollars are raised every year to support local missions
such as Boy Scouts, Pregnancy Crisis Center, and the Unique Learning
Center," according to Nancy Thompson the Fair Chairman. She said that,
"hundreds attend every year and not only enjoy saving money, but stay
around to enjoy the food and entertainment.
" "They start lining up
minutes before the doors open", she continued.
What's a Fall Fair for Missions? Think first of a county
fair in an English village. A place where EVERYONE will want to be =96
Booths, Food, Performances, Bargains, Things to See, Things to Hear,
Things to Do, Friends to Meet. The people you see and meet will be
excited and celebrating with you. It provides an atmosphere to entice
and enlighten, to encourage, and introduce the varied activities and
opportunities at NPC.