Historic Chevy Chase nomination back on
From: onejollybird <
From Chevy Chase Listserve:
In light of the decision by the board of Historic Chevy Chase DC to
withdraw its
previous request for a deferral, the three organizations (ANC 3-4G,
ANC 3E and
the Chevy Chase Citizens Association) will now proceed with the
community survey
and two public hearings previously announced.
The first hearing will be held on Monday, September 24 at the
Community Center
at 7:30 p.m. Persons wishing to testify should call the ANC 3-4G
office at
202-363-5803 to sign up. Testimony should be limited to three
minutes and those
owning property within the proposed boundaries of the HD will be
allowed to
testify first.
The community survey will be mailed out to property owners as soon
as the
printing company is able to do so within the next few days.
Responses are due
back to the ANC by October 15.
I would be happy to answer any questions.
Jerry Levine, Chair, ANC 3-4G.