Digest 277 (5 Messages)

Practice space From: jiggersing
sale of Eldbrooke Church to the City From: Carolyn Long
3rd Annual Beautification Day Project From: expectation_positive
Wine & Health Seminar at NW Sport and Health From: txpistol
Re: Wine & Health Seminar at NW Sport and Health From: kathysmithindc
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Practice space

Posted by: "jiggersing" anningram@mac.com   jiggersing

Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:13 am (PST)

Does anyone know of a room somewhere in the area in which a concert pianist can practice
on a grand piano? He would prefer not to be disturbed during the 4 to 5 hours he
practices -- generally in the mornings until around 1:30 to 2 -- and he would not want to
bother neighbors who might not like classical music. Ann Ingram


sale of Eldbrooke Church to the City

Posted by: "Carolyn Long" carolynlong@earthlink.net

Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:16 am (PST)

Several people have brought up the idea that Metropolitan Methodist Church should have sold Eldbrooke Church to the city as a site for the new Tenley Library, freeing up the present library site for a residential/retail building. This is an interesting concept, but as far as I know it was never under consideration.

Members of the former Eldbrooke congregation felt very strongly about the preservation of their church. Most of all they wanted it to be retained as a place of worship, and if that was not possible, they (and the Historical Society) hoped that it would become a community center for education, art, theater, and music. In our many meetings with clergy and other officials of the combined Eldbrooke/Metropolitan congregation, there was always a very strong sense that nobody wanted to see this building torn down--the site has been occupied by Tenleytown's Methodist congregation since 1840. It was also important to everybody involved that the interior of the sanctuary not be significantly altered. Early on there was interest from a developer who wanted to divide the sanctuary into condos, and this suggestion was met with horror by church members. It would have been necessary to demolish the church building in order to move the library to that site, because there was no way that it could be adapted for use as a modern library. Ginnie Cooper, director of DCPL, has always been adamant that she wants a new building.

The Eldbrooke Church building has been sold pending the working out of final details. It appears that none of the art/theater/music groups who were interested in buying the building had enough money to meet the price set by Metropolitan Methodist plus make the necessary repairs. We do not know who the buyer is, but it may well be American University. We heard some time ago that AU (which is a Methodist institution) might use it for their School of Religion, but again, we have no idea what is going to happen.

--- Carolyn Long, Tenleytown Historical Society
--- carolynlong@earthlink.net

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3rd Annual Beautification Day Project

Posted by: "expectation_positive" Gilberto.Solano@dc.gov   expectation_positive

Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:42 am (PST)

District of Columbia Public Schools is getting ready for the 3rd Annual
Beautification Day Project, scheduled for Saturday August 25, 2007 from
8:00 AM to 1:00 PM at all DCPS schools. Beautification Day is a
school-community partnership where school staff and community members
work together on providing finishing touch-ups for schools in
preparation for the arrival of students.

Volunteers are needed to help make our schools beautiful for the first
day of school! To register or more information go www.k12.dc.us
<http://www.k12.dc.us> or email contact info to
volunteer4schools@k12.dc.us <mailto:volunteer4schools@k12.dc.us> or
call Naimah Beyah on (202) 727-0488. Show DC Public Schools your

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Wine & Health Seminar at NW Sport and Health

Posted by: "txpistol" lisa.kennelly@rcn.com   txpistol

Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:27 pm (PST)

Consuming wine in moderation daily will help people to die young as
late as possible. ~ Dr Philip Norrie

Wine & Health: Does a glass of red wine a day keep the doctor away?
Is enjoying a glass of red wine each evening beneficial to your health?
Current research suggests that a glass of red wine each day may be
providing you with more than just a little relaxation. Join us at NW
Sport and Health for a discussion of the specific scientific facts
supporting this theory. Lead by sommelier and NW's newest trainer,
Lisa Kennelly, you will get the real data on the health qualities of
wine. Then, practice what we learn with a tasting of 6 locally
available wines that have the unique healthful characteristics. Sign
up at the front desk – $25 members/ $40 non-members wine tasting


Re: Wine & Health Seminar at NW Sport and Health

Posted by: "kathysmithindc" ksmith1804@starpower.net   kathysmithindc

Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:13 pm (PST)

From: txpistol <lisa.kennelly@rcn.com>

The date is August 23, 2007 7 p.m.