Digest 271 (3 Messages)

Re: Digest Number 269 - Computer Assistance. From: John A. Moody
Re: recycling old cell phones and other electronics From: gina@loganhardware.com
Dressmaker From: Barbara Reed Email
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Re: Digest Number 269 - Computer Assistance.

Posted by: "John A. Moody" johnamoodydc@verizon.net

Tue Aug 7, 2007 9:06 am (PST)

If your computer is of the Macintosh persuasion, and with a problem,
drop <Washington Apple Pi> into Google.. There's a free weekly
clinic at the Mac club in Rockville. All Mac users are welcome.
Donation appreciated.


Re: recycling old cell phones and other electronics

Posted by: "gina@loganhardware.com" gina@loganhardware.com

Tue Aug 7, 2007 9:06 am (PST)

Hi Ann,

Tenleytown Ace Hardware will recycle light bulbs and cell phone batteries for you. Stop by the store and talk to Jeremy or one of the other folks and they'll tell you about the new recycling program.


Gina Schaefer
Owner of a "few cool hardware stores"
202-246-3450 (cell)

Please visit www.msmanordc.org to find out what we're doing to help Habitat for Humanity build in Washington, DC!

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Posted by: "Barbara Reed Email" barbarareed@starpower.net

Tue Aug 7, 2007 6:51 pm (PST)

Does anyone know of a reliable seamstress who can make cotton dresses from
batik fabric. Contact Barbara Reed 202 237-2599

Barbara C. Reed
e-mail: barbarareed@rcn.com

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