Digest 266 (9 Messages)

UPS From: jenifer bland
Re: Bagel City Cafe -- Vent and Questions From: doris noble
Re: Bagel City Cafe -- Vent and Questions From: kathysmithindc
Bagel City Cafe -- Vent and Questions From: KD McLynn
seeking afterschool babysitter 3 days/week From: HaninaG
theft from auto.. From: O'Brien, Sylvia K
ANC 3E Special Committee on Library/Janney School Update From: acsullivan2001
Nice neighborhood cafehang out: From: Lisa4news@aol.com
work wanted From: lenafrumin
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Posted by: "jenifer bland" jcrabland@hotmail.com

Thu Aug 2, 2007 6:04 am (PST)

Re UPS pickups - there is a new UPS store where you can drop off packages at
Friendship Heights. It's the first (or second, my memory fails me on this)
store down from Western Avenue behind the new Giant.


Re: Bagel City Cafe -- Vent and Questions

Posted by: "doris noble" dnoble@mris.com   dorisnoble20016

Thu Aug 2, 2007 6:04 am (PST)

try Morty's food and service great and less expensive, on Wisconsin between Brandywine and Chesapeake.
Dooris Noble

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Re: Bagel City Cafe -- Vent and Questions

Posted by: "kathysmithindc" ksmith1804@starpower.net   kathysmithindc

Thu Aug 2, 2007 9:25 am (PST)

From: phil kogan <philkdc@msn.com>

You're onto something Amanda. I used to frequent BC and one morning
ended up on the receiving end of surly behavior from the owner. So, I
just stopped going there and reverted to picking up my bagels at Breads
Unlimited in Bethesda.


Bagel City Cafe -- Vent and Questions

Posted by: "KD McLynn" kdmclynn@starpower.net

Thu Aug 2, 2007 9:29 am (PST)

If you?d like an alternative to Bagel City, I suggest Krupin?s on Wisconsin
Ave. They have real bagels, real cream cheese and they know how to run a
deli. They may not be a web café, but they do have good food and know how
to serve it. They also offer carry out & catering. AND they are the only
place around besides Wagshal?s, as far as I know, that carries Dr. Brown?s
Cel-Ray soda - an old-fashioned favorite of mine because it isn?t too sweet.

By the way, Wagshal?s is right across the street from Bagel City, they carry
bagels & their sandwiches are excellent. Be forewarned, they are very
popular and the lines at peak times can be long. They have ready made
sandwiches to go for those times when you don?t have time to wait to have
one made for you just added a salad bar. They have tables outside.

I doubt that poor customer service gives one license to close a business (if
it did, think of how many phone companies would be shuttered!) but you can
vote with your feet.

Here?s hoping your next bagel is better!


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seeking afterschool babysitter 3 days/week

Posted by: "HaninaG" haninag@yahoo.com   HaninaG

Thu Aug 2, 2007 6:05 am (PST)

We are looking for a babysitter to look after our 5 1/2 year old boy
and 4 year old girl three afternoons per week (ideally
Tues./Wed./Thurs.) from 1:45 to 5:45pm in our AU Park house starting
in early-mid September. If you are interested, there is a possibility
of occasional full days and weekend times as well. You will need your
own car to pick up the children from nearby schools. (We will
reimburse your costs.) You must be legal, willing to work "on the
books," and be ok with a cat in the house.

Please contact Hanina at 202-236-9572 or haninag@yahoo.com.


theft from auto..

Posted by: "O'Brien, Sylvia K" sylvia_k_o'brien@fanniemae.com

Thu Aug 2, 2007 9:25 am (PST)

That's very interesting, I don't live that far, Idaho Ave., NW and, at
our last tenant's association meeting, Lt. K. Tabron, Detective, Second
District was our guest speaker (our board had him come speak about the
recent burglary's in apts. in our area). Anyway, Lt. Tabron said crime
is down in the second district and the biggest crime right now is car
theft! I know the items stolen in this instance were not in clear view,
however, the Lt. mentioned, to our group, the importance of not leaving
anything, not even pocket change, out where it's visible. "Homeless and
druggies will break into your car for anything," he said. S. O'Brien


ANC 3E Special Committee on Library/Janney School Update

Posted by: "acsullivan2001" acsullivan@starpower.net   acsullivan2001

Thu Aug 2, 2007 7:29 pm (PST)

The ANC 3E Special Committee has recently updated committee activities
regarding the Tenley-Friendship Library/Janney Elementary School
proposal. Visit the ANC 3E website at www.anc3e.org and look in
the "minutes" section for summaries of meetings with various DC
government representatives regarding the Roadside Development concept.

Anne C. Sullivan
ANC 3E05


Nice neighborhood cafehang out:

Posted by: "Lisa4news@aol.com" Lisa4news@aol.com

Thu Aug 2, 2007 7:29 pm (PST)

Have any of you visited Conie's Cafe on Fessenden near Wisconsin Ave?
The place is owned by Conie (and her sister Jerusalem). They are very
friendly and love children.
They are trying to make it with this former coffee house. They serve
Armand's pizza- a deal the pizza company made with them after Armand's was incensed
at the steep rise in rent at their long-time location across the street.

In addition to the pizza, Conie serves salads, lasagna and other lunch and
dinner foods. They have excellent ice cream. They hug my kid every time she
walks in. The sisters are immigrants from Ethiopia. The other day Conie told
my husband that business is so slow right now. Let's try to help their
business survive. They are a treasure. Thanks. - lisa

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work wanted

Posted by: "lenafrumin" mlfrumin@rcn.com   lenafrumin

Thu Aug 2, 2007 7:29 pm (PST)

Wilson High School student is looking for odd jobs. Will do lawn work, baby sitting, pet
sitting. Email Jophie Frumin at jophie912@yahoo.com