Digest 263 (2 Messages)

Looking for Katherine Woodall From: kathysmithindc
Electronics Recycling -- Recommendation From: josaiddone
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Looking for Katherine Woodall

Posted by: "kathysmithindc" ksmith1804@starpower.net   kathysmithindc

Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:50 am (PST)

From: pavukmatt <pavukmatt@aol.com>

Dear Friends: A package of medical records was delivered to our house
by UPS last week despite the fact that it was not in the name of anyone
in our house and did not contain our address. The package was for
Katherine Woodall and an address of 3906 Albermarle Street was given.
There is no 3906 Albemarle Street; indeed there are no valid addresses
in the 3900 block of Albemarle Street NW. Ms. Woodall is not listed in
the phone book. There are 7 return addresses for the same medical
clinic - not one of them was checked. My wife took it to the UPS
store; they said they could not take it back unless we ordered a
pickup, and that we would have to pay for it. That sounds like a great
way to send these records into limbo, and we have no idea if they are
time sensitive or not. Is Ms. Woodall is a member, or if someone knows
her, please contact me off-line.

Matt Pavuk


Electronics Recycling -- Recommendation

Posted by: "josaiddone" joturner@speakeasy.net   josaiddone

Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:05 am (PST)

In the continuing quest for responsible electonics recycling, we have recently used a
Maryland firm, Turtle Wings, and want to recommend them to others. We learned about
them from the Crutchfield site. Tutle Wings picks up from homes and businesses by
appointment. There is an appropriate charge, but absolutely nothing winds up in a landfill, it
is all data-scrubbed, reused and recycled. We had accumulated an embarrasing amount of
stuff to get rid of and it is good to know that we are not adding to a problem. They even give
you a nice little certificate on recycled paper! See www.turtlewings.com. --Jo Turner