Digest 253 (4 Messages)

disposal of old appliances From: pmc20015
Re: River Road From: kathysmithindc
River Road From: Mark Moverman
Housecleaner Needed From: Lori
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disposal of old appliances

Posted by: "pmc20015" pmc20015@yahoo.com   pmc20015

Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:15 am (PST)

Does anyone have a suggestion for how to dispose of old/broken
appliances in an environmentally friendly way? I have a worn out
rechargeable hand vac and a broken Keuric coffee brewer that I hate to
throw in the trash and send to sit in a landfill for all of eternity.


Re: River Road

Posted by: "kathysmithindc" ksmith1804@starpower.net   kathysmithindc

Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:30 am (PST)

From: LB1119@aol.com

Thank you for your comment about the problems of the 46th St. and
River Road intersection. The residents of that area have made a
number of attempts (without success) to get this matter addressed.

The apparent assumption of the powers who make decisions about DC
traffic seems to be that the heaviest amount of traffic flows into the
District during the morning rush hour and out during the evening rush
hour. Yet, there is a very high volume of outbound traffic on River
Road all day long because it is a primary route to the beltway. The
fact that non-rush hour parking is allowed along the DC section of
River Road creates a huge bottleneck. Living near that intersection,
we witness constant backups, constant honking horns, constant driver
anger and, on at least one occasion, a near-violent confrontation
between drivers.

Residents in the 4500 block of Garrison Street are also are subject to
daily high-speed traffic as commuters cut over from River Road via
45th Street, then race wildly back to River Road to catch the green
arrow at the traffic light and cut in ahead of the drivers who
remained in the River Road backup. There are nine young children
living in that block, including a deaf child. These unbelievably
aggressive commuters pose a significant danger to them.

In contrast, traffic along the Montgomery County section of River Road
flows smoothly because no curbside parking is permitted.

The current situation doesn't make sense and it is a daily threat to
public safety (not to mention the constant air pollution resulting
from the long lines of cars and trucks).

It is good to know of your interest. For the sake of both the drivers
and the residents, I hope that we can eventually find a way to draw
the DC government's attention to resolving these problems.



River Road

Posted by: "Mark Moverman" MMoverman@aol.com

Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:00 pm (PST)

From: Mark Moverman <MMoverman@aol.com>

I agree! There are only 3-5 parking spots that would have to be
removed to eliminate the problem. While they're at it, why not put a
"No Left Turn" sign on 42nd as you attempt to cross over Van Ness?


Housecleaner Needed

Posted by: "Lori" lrol@aol.com   nofir57

Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:34 pm (PST)

I am looking for a housecleaner that is truly comfortable around dogs
and cats. If you know fo anyone available please let me know.
Lori Rolnick