March 5, 2004


**** From:
We are new to the neighborhood (moved in October) and new to
home ownership. We were stunned to received in the mail last week a
property reassessment by the DC government. Does anyone have good advice
on appealing the reassessment, which in our case, seems an excessively
steep hike?

**** From:
The DC Office of Tax and Revenue has mailed assessment notices for
tax year 2005. The first taxes using these assessments will be due in
March 2005. The average assessment for DC increased 12.22% with the
average increase for Forest Hills 10.42%, North Cleveland Park 11.38%
and Wakefield 20.82%. The assessments should be reflective of the market.

The owner occupied real property tax rate continues at 96 cents per
$100 of assessed value. The homestead deduction was just increased from
$288.00 to $364.80, based on the current tax rate. Also current
legislation provides for an owner-occupied residential tax credit which
is applied against the tax due on the portion of the assessment
exceeding 12% from the prior year.

Property owners may appeal their new assessment by filing an appeal
application on or before April 1, 2004. Appeal applications can be
downloaded at
<> Information on
assessments and sales listings may be found at the same site.

**** From:Pagano, Penny (COUNCIL) <>
March 4 Update on Property Taxes from Councilmember Kathy Patterson:
In response to a number of inquiries, here is information from Councilmember
Kathy Patterson's office on how to use your computer to search the Office of
Tax and Revenue's property assessment and sales databases. You can check
your own property as well as comparables in your neighborhood. Start by
going to <> Click on Real Property
Service Center. When that screen appears, click on Real Property Database
Search. You can then choose from Search Real Property Assessment Database or
Search Real Property Sales Database. Click on whichever one you want to use.
There is also a place to click on for instructions. If you have problems
call our office at 724-8062.

Our office has received several calls from people who have done calculations
for their new 2004 tax bill and found that the total tax due on the new bill
adds up to more than the 12% annual cap that was passed by the Council in
January. The 12% cap should appear on your 2004 tax bill. Please double
check your math and let us know or call the Office of Tax and Revenue at

We have also received inquiries from a number of residents who are still
waiting for a Board of Real Property Assessments and Appeals (BRPAA)
hearing on their 2004 assessment. There have been several vacancies on
the BRPAA. The Mayor sent the Council seven nominees last week. The
Committee on Finance and Revenue held a hearing on them yesterday and
the committee is expected to mark up the nominations next week. They are
expected to be confirmed by the full Council shortly.
Penny Pagano

From: DJ <>

In the most recent edition of Community-E, there was a
posting about auto thefts in the District. At the end
of the email, was the statement "The Police,
Corporation Council, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Courts,
and insurance companies all have an important role to
play. The Mayor and City Council should do whatever
they can to help." Based on my experience, their
first steps should be to examine their own roles in
allowing this system to continue.

Last year, a friend of mine was staying at my house in
Tenleytown, when her car was stolen from the street.
Luckily for her, a neighbor called the police, and the
thieves were stopped within blocks of my house. Her
car was recovered, with some minor damage.

Since there were witnesses, and arrests, she thought
for sure the prosecutors had the case in the bag. But,
for some reason which none of us know, the prosecuting
attorney decided to attempt to prosecute for damaged
property, NOT auto theft or even attempted auto theft.
My friend felt the damage was not significant enough
to report to the insurance company, and she never got
it fixed. For some reason, supposedly related to her
lack of fixing the damage, the lawyers didn't have
enough evidence to prosecute for property damage, and
they got off completely!

We all were quite disturbed by all of this, but, felt
powerless. My friend was told by the attorneys there
was nothing else they could do. If this single
instance is representative of even a small percentage
of auto theft cases in the District, its no wonder our
stolen car rates are so high. It seems to me that the
city needs to address the entire issue--not just the
criminals themselves, but the system that places
people back on the streets with no punishment or
requirements for restitution. I'm not a proponent of
more jails, jail time, or mandatory sentencing, but,
heck, a guilty verdict, a criminal record, mandatory
community service time, and probation is not too much
to ask for in auto theft cases. And, I'm sure in some
cases, jail time is appropriate.

From: <>
PSA 202
BURGLARY - Attempt
c1 reports unknown person(s) attempted to enter the premise by forcing the fence with an unknown object and prying the rear sliding door.

[From KS: Make sure you have a bar or good lock on sliding doors.]

From: Anne Sullivan <>

Jack Koczela, a founding member of the PROP 100% campaign,
will be the guest speaker at Janney Elementary School's March 16th
PTA meeting at 7:15 PM. (4130 Albemarle St., NW) The desired
outcome of PROP 100 (Pledge to Rebuild Our Public Schools 100%)
is the adoption by the Federal Government of the financial responsibility
for their fair share of the cost for the rebuilding and modernization of the
DC Public Schools and Public Charter Schools. Please join in this discussion
to learn how you can help in this important effort!

From: Both asked to remain anonymous.

**** I appreciate the concern over the dog doo that is left in our
neighborhoods. Its' unhealthy, unsightly and smelly. While it's
everyone's right to own a dog, clean up is a responsibility of the
owner. There is another responsibility that goes along with canine
ownership and that is ensuring that the dogs do not disturb the
neighborhood with noise. The noise from the little critters is
extremely intrusive, especially when it's early in the morning. Isn't
it possible to keep your dogs inside or quiet outside until at least 8 am
so that we can sleep peacefully?

**** As dog owner, I agree 100% with your letter to the dog walker.
I always pick up after my dog. I am amazed, however, when people get
angry that my dog poops in the tree box in front of their house. Where
else is my dog supposed to relieve itself? Anyway, the tree box is
public property, not the homeowner's property.

**** From: Anji Henderson <>
This seems to be a serious issue to several on the
list. I just happen to be a little confused. Isn't
scooping poop a law??? Yes, all the other reasons are
true and very valid. If it is genuinely a law, most
people are on a walking schedule, isn’t there some one
to call to correct it??

From: Lowell Weiss <>

We have a tree problem on our street, and we are hoping someone
could help us figure out how to get help from the DC government.
We live on Asbury Place between Chesapeake and Davenport. There
is a very large tree on our block, in front of a neighbor's house but on
DC property adjacent to the sidewalk, that was hit by lightning two years
ago and badly damaged. Many of us on the street have repeatedly called
the city authorities to report the problem, because we fear that a large limb
is going to crash down any day. In almost two years of calls, nothing has
been done to fix the problem. Of course we could take up a collection to
do the work ourselves, but does anyone have any advice for how to get the
city's attention? There are a lot of young children on our street, and I'm very
concerned about a huge limb coming down, even in the absence of a big storm.


Ward 3/Ward 4 Town Hall Meeting
The State of DC Public Schools
Councilmembers Kathy Patterson and Adrian Fenty
Tuesday, March 9, 2004
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Lafayette Elementary School
5701 Broad Branch Road, N.W.

For more information:
Ward 3 - JoAnne Ginsberg 724-8062
Ward 4 - Veronica Washington 724-8052

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Reach for the Stars
Murch Elementary School Auction

Saturday, March 13, 2004
Carnegie Institution
1530 P Street, N.W.

Live and silent auction to benefit Murch Elementary School
food/drinks and music
Bid on getaways, VIP tours, restaurant and shopping certificates,
fine art, pampering, and more
$30.00 entry at the door
For details call 244-3240


**** From: David Schmucker - Microsoft Access Development
We had a street cave in on Windom Pl. about a year ago. If you
have one on your street don't let it linger. In our case, the sewer
pipe had broken and soil was flowing into the pipe. Fortunately,
we didn't have any backups into the homes on the street but it easily
could have happened.

**** From: Deborah Buckley <>
Regarding the sinking street on 42nd. I hope they meet with better
success than we. Our block of Ellicott Street has been sinking for years
and I began trying to have it fixed 3 years ago. It is continuing to sink
and I have just begun a renewed effort to have it fixed. I am not hopeful
for a timely fix. My approach this time is to work with the city through
their channels for a short while and then contact Kathy Patterson.


**** From:
Mary Ann Floto of the DC GOV. helped us and we have had a
street light replaced on the corner of 46th and Davenport as of 2/25.
Thanks to everyone. This newsletter is wonderful!!!!!!!!!
H. Phillips

**** From:
On the subject of getting street lights repaired, I called the 727-1000
number on Wednesday morning, it was fixed on Thursday night. The
woman on the phone could not have been more pleasant and I think
that short amount of time to get it fixed was quite remarkable. City
services well done.
Robert Frantz


**** From: Cheryl Hanks <>
I have and idea about lead in water. I am sure that individuals within
this community have or will soon have tests on their own lead pipes. I
would be delighted to construct a database of information on homes in the
hood - in some sort of excel format - so that neighbors can scan it and see
if someone on their block knows themselves to be a high- lead.
I sort of think that everybody should call WASA and get their own water
tested, but I know I would be more likely to if I knew that my block was a
high risk. Let me know if this is a good idea & if so, how to go about it. Easiest for
me if it is announced and then people email me directly and
then I can post weekly or monthly results on Communit-E
Best, Cheryl Hanks

**** From:
FYI. I got this today and thought folks would be interested...
Amy Hoang, ANC3E


DC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (For blood testing information)
DC WASA (Lead hotline)
DC GOVERNMENT (General questions)

WASA encourages residents to drop off water samples at one
of the following five sites:

301 Bryant Street, NW (open 24 hours/7 days)
810 First Street, NE (open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Ft. Reno Pumping Station; 3900 Donaldson Place, NW
(open Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Saturdays, noon - 3 p.m.)
Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant; 5000 Overlook
Avenue, SW (open 24 hours/7 days)
125 O Street, SE (open 24 hours/7 days)

Outraged by what he called a "gross failure of management and lack of
sufficient concern for the public health" Councilmember Harold Brazil
urged Mayor Williams to call for the resignation of the leadership of the
D.C. Water and Sewer Authority (WASA), including WASA chairman
Glenn Gerstell and general manager Jerry Johnson.

In the meantime, to assist those in need, Brazil is offering 100 free lead
testing kits to District residents. To request a lead testing kit,
please call 202 724-8174. The kit will measure whether the water exceeds the
lead limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency, and provide accurate
results in only 10 minutes.

**** From: morsh517 <>
NSF is a third party certification company. At the cost of the
manufacturers NSF will test water filters to `certify' that the
filters remove specific contaminants with high efficiency (above
90%). What exactly does it mean when a filter is NSF certified to
remove lead? Does that mean it removes lead during the entire
lifetime of the filter and what are the limits? I called an NSF
specialist and found out the test is done as follows: Water
containing 10 times the legal limit of lead (150 ppb, yes, it does
sound like DC water) is passed through the cartridge for 200% of the
gallon capacity of the filter (if the filter has a usage meter, it's
125% of the gallon capacity). During the course of this process, 10
to 15 water samples are `pulled' from the outlet of the filter and
tested for lead content. If the average reduction of lead in the
samples is 92% or above (water coming out is 10 ppb lead or below)
the filter passes and is NSF certified for Lead. So, if you're
a `lucky' person in DC getting 150 ppb (or below) lead in your water,
a filter that's NSF certified should do the job for the rated
lifetime of the filter. If you have more than 150 ppb lead in your
line - ie. if you have 300 ppb you should expect your filter to last
about half the rated lifetime. I then asked if there was anything
that could make the filter have significantly less than the rated
lifetime of the filter. High levels of other pollutants could over
the lifetime `saturate' the sites that would otherwise bind to the
lead, reducing the capability of the filter, but this is accounted
for to some degree by the fact that the filters are tested to 200% of
their capacity.

I checked out all the NSF certified filters at Home Depot, Sears,
Walmart, and Lowe's. These were all filters that were in stock (so
I could look at the Performance Data Sheet) and at least NSF
certified to reduce lead:

% reduction
Brand Model Lead TTHM VOC Year$ Init$ Certs
Pur Ultimate Pitch 96.5 94 NA 150 25 23
Pur Advantage Pitch 97.0 98 NA 120 17 9
Pur Ultimate Faucet 96.0 98.5 NA 80 38 28
Brita Pitcher 98.0 NA NA 100 21 7
Brita On Tap 98.7 98.9 98.9 80 30 26
Kenmore 38455 99.3 NA NA 27 50 5
Culligan US-600/D40 99.0 NA NA 70** 70** 7
GE GXSL03C 98.0 NA NA 56 99 7
GE GXSV10C 98.0 NA 99.8 72 143 6
Culligan SY-2650 97.6 NA 99.8 90 159 7
Omni OT32 98.6 NA 99.8 75 64 7
Multipure 400 99.3 99.8 99.8 40 159* 80
Multipure 750 99.3 99.8 99.8 50 239* 80
Kenmore 38472*** 98.6 NA NA 90 169 25
Kenmore 34481**** 99 98 NA 110 170 18
Multipure 880 >99.99 99.8 99.8 99 396* 81

TTHM= is Total TriHaloMethanes, carcinogens formed from the reaction
of disinfecting agents such as chlorine with methane in the water
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)=VOC's are those organic chemicals
(pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals) that are "readily
vaporizable at a relatively low temperature" which are found in one
fifth of the nation's water supplies
Year$= Yearly cost for replacement filters
Init$= Initial cost for filter
Certs.= the number of pollutants the filter is NSF Certified to
*discounted price(email me for details)
** Cartridge it comes with does nothing must replace with D-40
***Reverse Osmosis System
****Distillation System

Pur and Brita is available everywhere, Kenmore filters are available
at Sears, Culligan filters are available at Sears, GE filter are
available at Home Depot, Omni's are available at Walmart (online) and
some Lowe's and Multipure is available at

If you decide to buy a filter that I haven't listed, please be
absolutely sure the filter is NSF certified to remove lead . You will
find a Performance Data Sheet inside the box of every `real' filter
and it will have listed on it the contaminants that the filter for
which the filter is certified. Lead certification is essential, but
since DC levels of TTHM's are very high, I recommend getting a filter
that's also certified for TTHM's as well (or similarly VOC's).
Good Luck,
Robert C. Morshauser


**** From: ronald lefrancois [email: nicmich at verizon dot net]
FURNITURE NEEDED: Want to help someone in need? A
formerly homeless man is getting ready to move from transitional
housing into his own apartment, along with his toddlers, a boy
and a girl. They have no furniture, small appliances, pots/pans, etc.
If your spring cleaning produces a kitchen table, chests of drawers,
kids beds, chairs, kitchen items, etc. in presentable condition, I'd be
happy to play deliveryman. Thanks for considering this request and,
of course, donations are tax deductible.
Ron Lefrancois

**** From: Mary Lou Egan <>
Does anyone know of a good waterproofing firm? We have a leak in
our basement from a hole in our foundation. The hole is supposed to be
there - it lets wires, etc. out to the heat pump - but the gasket is
leaking. Have you heard of anyone who is good?

**** From: Maren Handler Siegel <>
Can anyone recommend somebody who can re-do my flagstone
walkway? Thanks! - Maren Siegel,

**** From:
I have a list of Plumbers which are used in this area, though
I haven't tried any of them, but they have come with great
recommendations from other listserve members.
1) Marcelo Flores: who owns his own company called Marbea.
Most reliable and very reasonable. Recommended by Doris Noble.
His number is 301-871-5642
2) Joe Kalish: who is also is very reliable. Recommended by Liz.
His number is 301-370-1434
3) Lynn: recommended by Vivian. His number is 301-946-4317.

**** From: Keith, F. Ryan <>
For Sale -- 2000 VW Passat GLX V6 - Fully loaded & excellent
condition! 1 owner w/ service records. Silver/black leather, power
everything, sunroof, 6 cd changer, seat heat, etc. Front/side airbags,
brand new tires & brakes. Automatic w/ Tiptronic. 56K miles.
$16500, 202-624-2904.

**** From: Bette Land <>
If anyone is seeking an excellent, native French speaker, I readily
recommend (Ms.) Laurence Selim, an AU Park resident, who can be reached at
202-244-5907. She possesses a degree from The Lycee Francais, and advanced
degrees in French and linguistics from Georgetown University and Johns
Hopkins University. Laurence is patient beyond belief, and a veritable joy
with whom to work. She will go to your home or office for private or small
group lessons.

**** From: L.W. BENSFIELD <>
I enjoyed the camp last August at Norwood Park and other readers
may as well.....L. Bensfield

Sign up Now to get in shape for the summer. Krucial Fitness Training Camps
starts May 3-October 28 with four-week sessions. You now have more locations
and times to choose from. The fitness training camps will be held Monday
thru Thursday at 6am, 7am, and 8am. Our locations include Norwood Park-Chevy
Chase, Lafayette Park-DC, Big Pines local park-Potomac, Manor Oak
Park-Olney, and Chinquapin park-Alexandria, VA. Register now to get the
early bird rate. To register, fill out the attached forms. If you have any
questions, please contact Tonya at or phone
1-866-468-1522. Don't wait invest in your health today.
Tonya Walton

From: Polly King <>
Thursday, March 11, 2004
7:30 pm
St. Mary's Armenian Apostolic Church
42nd and Fessenden Streets, NW
7:30 Announcements
7:35 - 7:45 Open Forum
7:45 - 7:55 Presentation by 2nd District Police
7:55 - 8:00 Discussion with Sczerina Perot and possible vote
on the Housing Production Trust Fund
8:00 - 8:15 Discussion of and possible vote regarding the small
parking lot behind the commercial strip on Wisconsin between
Fessenden and Ellicott
8:15 - 8:25 Discussion of and possible vote on a curb cut at
4538 43rd Pl
8:25 - 8:30 Discussion of and vote on the addition of "Welcome
to Washington DC" signs at Western Avenue and River Road and at
Western Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue.
8:30 - 8:45 Discussion of proposed under ground parking garage
and addition to school building at Georgetown Day School
8:45 - 8:55 ANC Business
* Adoption of Minutes of February, 2003 meeting
* Approval of Treasurer's report
For further information

Thursday, March 11th, at 7 pm
Guy Mason Recreation Center
3600 Calvert Street

+ DC MPD Representative

+ Representative from WASA on Lead Contamination Issue
+ Update on Meeting with Saveur
+ Proposals to St. Luke’s Development Corporation

+ Resolution on Installation of New Pedestrian Countdown Signal at Calvert and Wisconsin Avenue
+ Discussion of Liquor License Moratorium in Glover Park

+ Approval of February 2004 minutes
+ Approval of FY 2003 Fourth Quarter report
+ Approval of FY 2004 First Quarter report
+ Update of ANC 3B Bylaws and Introduction of Resolution for Passage
+ Payment of ANC Security Bond
+ Status of Audit Report


NEXT MEETING: Thursday, April 8th, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.
To place items on the agenda contact the ANC-3B Commission at

From: Bill Rogers <>

DON'T JUST HANG UP! Turn their game on them.
As soon as one scam call got suspicious, I turned on my "dizzy queen
voice" and said "Oh, oh, something I've been waiting for hours to see
just came on TV. Can I call you right back? It'll just be a second."
Well, the idiot gave me his number and I returned the call to a hotel
room based call center in Houston. Since it was a weekend, the Secret
Service was off duty and not answering their phones, so I finally got
through to the right person in the fraud Department of the Houston
Police, and they were shut down.

FIRST, you have to know who to report this crime to: Interstate credit
card fraud is investigated by the Secret Service (don't ask me!). Ask
your credit card issuer security department for help, but ALWAYS start
by doing everything IMMEDIATELY to get the number they are calling
from: ask them, use caller ID if you subscribe and it works, or
(BEFORE making another call) use the 75¢ phone company "call the last
number dialed" service (*something). Then ask the phone company to
help you ID the number YOU last called and/or the number which last
called you. IF you can get that number, then you've got something to
work with. The next challenge is finding an enforcement officer on
duty who considers that crime in his domain. This may require numerous
long distance calls, but the hunt is great fun when you bag your game.
Good luck.

[From KS: *69 gives you the number of the last caller. *57 is a call tracer. After
dialing *57, you call 1-800-246-2800 and ask that the number of the person who
called you be given to law enforcement. It’s for annoying calls, but perhaps it
would work with scams also.]

From: <>

US Department of Justice Summer Job Opportunity:
(Subject to funds available)
The Civil Rights Division is responsible for enforcing federal statutes
and executive orders that prohibit unlawful discrimination. The primary
work of the Division involves civil litigation seeking injunctions,
damages and penalties in federal court. Specialized units address
investigation and prosecution of civil rights crimes and administrative
review of state laws affecting voting and coordination of
anti-discrimination efforts by federal agencies.
OPENING DATE: 02/12/2004
CLOSING DATE: 03/12/2004
WHERE: Various Sections within the Civil Rights Division located
in downtown Washington, D.C.
# OF POSITIONS: Several at the high school and college level.
SALARY: High school student (min. age 16) -- GS-1 ($8.39 PER HOUR)
Up to 29 semester hours --
GS-2 ($9.44 PER HOUR) 30 to 59 semester hours --
GS-3 ($10.30 PER HOUR) 60 to 89 semester hours --
GS-4 ($11.56 PER HOUR) 90 or more semester hours --
GS-5 ($12.93 PER HOUR)
The Civil Rights Division allows students to work up to 40 hours per
week when during the summer.

DUTIES: Typical duties include answering the telephones and referring
callers to the appropriate staff member, receiving visitors to the office and
referring them to the appropriate personnel, establishing and maintaining
subject-matter files, receiving incoming mail and directing it to the
appropriate staff member, delivering mail when necessary, handling
special projects, and performing other duties as assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must be enrolled or accepted for
enrollment as a degree (diploma, certificate, etc.) seeking student
and taking at least a half-time course load in an accredited high
school, technical or vocational school, 2 year or 4 year college or
university, graduate or professional school. The definition of
half-time is provided by the school in which the student is enrolled.
An individual who needs to complete less than the equivalent of half
an academic/vocation or technical course load in the class enrollment
period immediately prior to graduation is still considered a student for
purposes of this program.
HOW TO APPLY: Fax resumes to (202) 305-9667 or e-mail to U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights
Division Attention: Student Employment Program (Summer) - Delicia
Taylor The Department of Justice is an Equal Opportunity/Reasonable
Accommodation Employer. It is the policy of the U.S. Department of
Justice to achieve a drug-free workplace and persons selected for
employment may be required to pass a drug test to screen for illegal
drug use prior to final appointment. Employment is also contingent
upon satisfactory completion of a security check.

Lilia Irizarry
(202) 353-0433
fax: (202) 307-2874
Acting Public Affairs Specialist
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20038

– END –