Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park and Forest Hills
P.O. Box 39290, Washington, D.C. 2016-9290
WHEREAS: BZA Application No.16611 requests special exceptions for use as a private school of Lots 27, 28, and 65 in Square 2243, addressed at 4101 and 4103 Connecticut Avenue and 2969 Upton Street NW which are currently zoned R-5-D; and
WHEREAS: The Edmund Burke School proposes to construct an addition to the existing school at 2955 Upton Street on these lots; and
WHEREAS: ANC 3F on October 16, 2000, approved a resolution opposing BZA application 16611; and
WHEREAS: Two ANC 3F Commissioners and representatives of the
school's neighbors directly impacted by the proposal met with representatives
of the Burke School on October 29, 2000, to discuss a redesign of the Burke
School project to achieve key neighborhood objectives that would ensure
(1) traffic generated by the school would be confined to the school's
property and arterial-level streets; and
(2) that on-site parking would be provided to meet the school's parking demands for daytime and evening activities; and
WHEREAS: representatives of the Edmund Burke School provided ANC3F with a pre-hearing statement on January 10, 2001 which revised and updated the pre-hearing statement previously received by ANC3F on September 26, 2000; and
WHEREAS: The revised pre-hearing statement does not achieve the above key neighborhood objectives.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: ANC 3F reaffirms its opposition
to BZA Application No.16611 and recommends and urges that the BZA deny
this application.
Approved by a vote of 3-2-1 at a duly noticed meeting on January 16, 2001 with a quorum present. Commissioner Bardin recused from consideration and vote.
/S/ David J. Bardin
/S/ Robert V. Maudlin