Res 04-34




Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F

North Cleveland Park, Forest Hills, and Tenleytown

4401-A Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Box 244

Washington, D.C.  20008-2322


WHEREAS, ANC 3F has received and reviewed Public Space Application #04-044 (#8853) for a year-round enclosed sidewalk café at Neisha Thai Restaurant, 4445 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., (Lot 813, Square 1778) with 46 seats at 14 tables along the restaurant’s Albemarle Street frontage; the premises are owned by Jemal Michael LP of 702 H Street, N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20001; and


WHEREAS, the Albemarle Street sidewalk at this location draws a considerable number of pedestrians, many of whom are families with small children (often in strollers), who traverse this sidewalk on their way to the bus stop and stores on Wisconsin Avenue, Janney School, the Tenley-Friendship Branch Library, St. Ann’s Church and School, and St. Columba’s Church and Nursery School; and


WHEREAS, Metro maintains two long grates in the sidewalk in this area and has been known to station heavy equipment on top of them for long periods of time; these grates are difficult to walk on – especially for women in heels, children, and those pushing strollers, and they become slippery when wet; but Neisha Thai has agreed to leave a six-foot clearance between the grates and the café so that pedestrians do not have to walk on or wheel their strollers on the grates or be impeded by heavy equipment; and


WHEREAS, as proposed, the café would be on a deck of varying height up to a maximum of 18” surrounded by a three-foot high railing and covered by a fabric awning; the awning would be topped by fiberglass sculpted “rocks” and support roll-down plastic siding; the awning would project 1 ˝ feet beyond the deck and over the sidewalk; and


WHEREAS, residents are in favor of a sidewalk café at Neisha Thai, saying it will enliven the streetscape, but have asked that the rock sculpture not be extended over the café awning; and


WHEREAS, a fully enclosed café at this location would not enliven the streetscape, but seem like an obstacle on a busy sidewalk, cutting off the neighborhood from its shopping district;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT ANC 3F does not object to a sidewalk café in public space at Neisha Thai, but requests that the restaurant do the following:




Approved by a vote of 6-0-0 at a duly noticed public meeting of ANC 3F on November 15, 2004, with a quorum present (a quorum being 4).


                   /s/ Karen Lee Perry                                                                       /s/ Cathy Wiss

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                Karen Lee Perry, Chair                                                              Cathy Wiss, Secretary