Res. 04-29                                                                                                                                                                

ANC 3F Resolution of No Objection to

BZA Application # 17226, ZIPS Cleaners Request for a

Special Exception at 4418 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F

North Cleveland Park, Forest Hills and Tenleytown

PMB #244, 4401-A Connecticut Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C.  20008



WHEREAS, the Commissioner for SMD 3F01 was notified about ZIPS plans to expand its operations into space presently occupied by a different business; and


WHEREAS, a single member district meeting was held in July 2004 to solicit neighborhood views on the proposed expansion of the applicant.  At that meeting there were comments about illegal parking in front of the establishment particularly during rush hour. To these observations the applicant responded that his employees were instructed not to serve customers who violated parking restrictions; and


WHEREAS,   the pictures accompanying the application denotes a no parking zone in front of the applicant’s location, which was observed by the SMD commissioner for the area as being violated frequently; and


WHEREAS, the applicant provides no information at the front of its structure about the availability of accessory parking spaces located behind its building pursuant to a five year special exception (BZA Order # 16659 dated June 13, 2001) for nineteen spaces ; and


WHEREAS, ZIPS Cleaners has filed an application (BZA Application No.17226) for a special exception under 11 DCMR Secs.743.2(c) and 729 to expand their operation at 4418 Connecticut Avenue beyond 5000 square feet of gross floor space. Dry cleaners and laundries up to 5000 square feet is a matter of right in a C-3-A zoning district; and


WHEREAS, the ANC placed this application on its web site for neighborhood review and comment; and


WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Adjustment has scheduled a hearing on the application on October 26, 2004; and


WHEREAS, 11 DCMR 743.2 (c) incorporates by reference the standard of review found in 11 DCMR 729 concerning special exceptions for laundries and dry cleaners. The factors which the BZA must consider are:


1.  Any noise or odor shall not adversely affect the neighborhood.


2.  Dangerous or otherwise objectionable traffic conditions shall not be created.


3. The Board may impose additional requirements as to the location of the building and other structures, the location of equipment, other requirements as the Board deems necessary to protect adjacent or nearby property; and


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, ANC 3F does not object to the application if the final order include the conditions below, as well as conditions proposed by the Office of Planning:  


  1. The applicant shall employ a traffic coordinator on Mondays and Fridays from 7:00 am to 10:00 am and on Saturdays from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm to ensure that customers do not park illegally


  1. The applicant shall place signs on all counters inside stating that it will not serve customers who are parked illegally.


  1. The applicant shall remove all signs in the windows other than the one stating “free parking in rear” to make that sign more easily noticed.


  1. The applicant shall provide plantings across the front of the entire store.



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, ANC 3F designates Commissioner Kessler to represent it before the BZA.




Adopted October 18, 2004, by a vote of 3-2-2 at a duly noticed public meeting of ANC 3F with a
quorum present (a quorum being four).


       ________________________                                     ________________________

             Karen Lee Perry, Chair                                                Cathy Wiss, Secretary