Res 01-20


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park and Forest Hills
P.O. Box 39290, Washington, D.C. 2016-9290

WHEREAS: District of Columbia law requires review by the District of Columbia Council after each decennial census of the boundaries of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) and Single Member Districts (SMDs) of ANC commissioners and establishes a numeric population standard of approximately 2000 residents per SMD, plus or minus 5 percent (i.e., between 1900 and 2100 residents), exemptions from which are disfavored; and

WHEREAS: Councilmember Kathy Patterson has appointed and convened a Ward 3 ANC Redistricting Task Force comprised of representatives of ANCs and citizens associations and citizen appointees and designees of At-Large Councilmembers (the "Task Force"); and

WHEREAS: ANC 3F Chair Bardin and Commissioners Mitchell and Perry serve on the Task Force; and

WHEREAS: Chair Bardin recommended and explained the boundaries on the attached map ("the Map") to the Task Force and the Task Force, by consensus or majority vote, approved the ANC boundaries in question at its meeting on 6 September 2001, and will review the boundaries on 11 September 2001; and

WHEREAS: The Task Force plans to submit a draft report, including these boundaries, to Councilmember Patterson for consideration by the appropriate DC Council Subcommittee, to hold a public hearing thereon on 20 September 2001, and, thereafter, to submit a final report;


1. The Map boundaries establish reasonably compact and contiguous SMDs that respect neighborhood cohesion and the natural geography of the District, improve on the current SMD boundaries, and adhere to the numeric population standard; and

2. These boundaries follow to the maximum extent practicable the boundaries of census blocks used in the Year 2000 Census; and

3. ANC 3F designates Commissioner Mitchell, and/or Commissioners Perry and Bardin, to represent ANC 3F in all additional matters concerning redistricting of ANCs and SMDs.

Approved by vote of 7-0-0 at a duly noticed public meeting with a quorum present on

September 10, 2001.

/s/ David J. Bardin                                        /s/ Robert V. Maudlin

David J. Bardin, Chair                              Robert V. Maudlin, Secretary