Res 00-9

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F
North Cleveland Park & Forest Hills
P.O. Box 39290, Washington, DC 20016-9290
Phone: 202.362.6120; Fax: 202.686.7237; web site:

WHEREAS, the demolished and newly constructed EXXON station at the comer of Connecticut and Nebraska Avenues became a nuisance and source of contention in our neighborhood because of light trespass and light pollution; noise pollution; and discrepancies between what EXXON told the ANC it would build in 1997 and what EXXON actually built in 1999; and

WHEREAS, since the ANC's meeting of November 15, 1999, EXXON has committed to and in large measure completed several changes, including moving the noisy air stand and vacuums further from nearby homes and installing less noisy and/or noise muffling equipment; toning down or removing from around the 85' x 35' building the garish and glaring lights which turned night into day in rooms of the residence across the alley and the garish red ACM Panel band; changing the lights under the 75' x 25' canopy (at a height of 15' to 18' above the ground) from convex to flat lenses and reducing their wattage from 400 watt halogens to 320 watt metal halides; and removing two poster frames and advertising posters from the building wall facing Nebraska Avenue; and

WHEREAS, EXXON and KM, Inc. have not yet agreed to correct other serious nuisances but have indicated an interest in pursuing an agreement acceptable to all;

(1) authorizes and directs the Chair to complete and file a complaint along the lines of the attached drat~ prior to the next regular monthly meeting of this ANC, except that
(2) if EXXON and KM, Inc. before the filing of such complaint offer to agree to further changes and arrangements which the Chair, in consultation with Commissioner Mitchell, concludes is likely to be acceptable to the ANC and the neighborhood, the Chair may defer filing until consideration of such agreement at the next business meeting of the ANC, now scheduled for April 17, 2000.

Approved at a duly-noticed, regular monthly business meeting on March 13, 2000, with a quorum present, by a vote of 7-0-0.

/s/ David J. Bardin                                                    /s/ Robert V. Maudlin
Chair                                                                        Secretary